I have an array which I am instancing and populating with some simple data (a bit of text with the loop index) But when I run this and step through the code with a breakpoint although each instance gets created the data is never added. Not only that but the instance variable ('profile') for each array never gets updated either.
+ System: On start of layout
+ System: For "" from 1 to 4
+ System: Startup_Done = 0
-> System: Create object Profile_Activity_Array on layer 0 at (0, 0)
-> Profile_Activity_Array: Set profile to LoopIndex
-> Profile_Activity_Array: Set value at (1, 1) to "Loop index "&LoopIndex
Any idea whats going on? I would expect each array instance data to be updated as I step through the loop but everything(profile and loop index string) is 0.