kcajjgaming's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi ,

    I am currently making a kinda of stealh/horror shooter with a flashlight on the gun . I want the aiming to work by mouse but not stretch the light all over the screen only like max 400 pixels away from the players. So it moves with the mouse but only to a certain point far away from the player. At the moment the light just moves all over.


  • Great thank you guys , all of this really helps . Especially Signal Jackers reply! It will take a while to make something I am proud of , I can see that now!

    Ill just keep plugging a long!

  • Hey guys,

    So im an ex web developer , I still dabble in it now and then , So construct is perfect for me as I understand programming logic but I don't know any game programming , or limited .

    The only problem I have is I have a lot of ideas which are gunna be let down with my art skills , You can see in my game zombie dodger that my pixel art skills are extremely basic at best. Any tips on how to get better , or make some thing half decent to atleast interest the player.

    I dont want my ideas for games go to waste because of my crappy pixel art/graphics skills.

    By the way im quite efficient with photoshop etc, but find making sprites etc hard.


  • Never mind man ! Thanks for you help , ive worked it out now haha!

  • Yeah , its just I have a sprite being duplicated every x Seconds, but if one instance of that sprite collides with an object , I want to destroy that sprite only and not other instances of it on screen :/

  • Hi,

    I currently have a game in development where I spawn a certain sprite every 10 seconds , this works fine but I want each sprite that is spawned to have its own unique ID.

    So then I can, for example , see if one of the sprites collides with a certain object, that only that one is destroyed and not every instance of that sprite.

    Can I make it so everytime the sprite is spawned it has its own unique reference or name.

  • 67 seconds was my best time on this, but this doesn't really work without the music. You turn off the Terminator music and the game is uninteresting. With the music, very addictive.

    HAHA its not actually the terminator music , i made the music myself using sampling software , but yes it does sound like it lol!

    Yeah i would love to pump up the graphics , its just a shame my pixel art skills are pretty low

  • This is great feedback thank you Maschka! I will look in to this on my next development of it.

    The graphics were made using an online program as I dont have the money to have programs such as photoshop etc...

    Its pretty useful for designing sprites etc.! - http://www.piskelapp.com/

    Nice high score too!

  • This is hard an ever changing lol!

    1. Timesplitters 2 - lost so much of my life to this with the local multiplayer

    2. portal 2 - perfection , adds to what was already a great game

    3. portal 1- nothing else like it at the time

    4. super mario world , my first and favorite game from my childhood

    5. Super Bomberman on SNES , not many people know about this one but go out and play it , story coop is amazing!

    6. Call of Duty 4 , perfected the fps genre on ps3

    7.Battlefield 1 - huge firefights , destructible environment and pretty tactical.

    8. Rocket league - not stop addict of this game for the past year

    9. Town of salem , nothing else out there like this!

    10. Donkey Kong County , great music , revolutionary graphics and rare amazing developer

  • Hey , looks great , do you have an example of what sort of riddles you will be using?

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  • Nice game man!!! I like the graphic style you have , simple and slick , it would make a good touch phone/pad game too!

  • I like the game , the interface is nice and tidy! You could add an online score board using the scirra arcade plugin and make the game more competitive !

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Member since 23 Dec, 2016

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