This is hard an ever changing lol!
1. Timesplitters 2 - lost so much of my life to this with the local multiplayer
2. portal 2 - perfection , adds to what was already a great game
3. portal 1- nothing else like it at the time
4. super mario world , my first and favorite game from my childhood
5. Super Bomberman on SNES , not many people know about this one but go out and play it , story coop is amazing!
6. Call of Duty 4 , perfected the fps genre on ps3
7.Battlefield 1 - huge firefights , destructible environment and pretty tactical.
8. Rocket league - not stop addict of this game for the past year
9. Town of salem , nothing else out there like this!
10. Donkey Kong County , great music , revolutionary graphics and rare amazing developer