celstrider's Recent Forum Activity

  • There is a template that comes with every c2 download. Just click new project and scoll down to physics catapult or physics demo or something like that.

  • system - "compare two values"

    first value: distance(ect)


    second value:

  • thanks for the heads up.

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  • "Basic usage

    To use the Google Play plugin, you must first wait for it to finish loading. Do not attempt to use any features of the plugin until On loaded triggers, or Is loaded is true.

    Next the Google Play plugin will automatically try to sign the user in. If they have successfully signed in before, On signed in will trigger soon after loading. If they have never signed in before, On auto-sign in failed will trigger; in this event you should show a button that allows the user to sign in. When they click this button, use the Sign in action; if it succeeds, On signed in will be triggered.

    Once the user is signed in, you can make use of the other plugin features such as requesting leaderboards, submitting high-scores, and unlocking achievements."



  • Not that I have personally done this but I would assume that you would have the client register a Google developer account and then they can add you as a user.

    https://support.google.com/googleplay/a ... 8691?hl=en

  • I'm building a kiosk for my company using construct 2 as the software.

    I plan to export to nw.js and run on the hardware that i'm going to buy here shortly.

    the asus chromebox looks like a good deal has anyone had problems running on chrome os?

    The project is basically a photo album and video player grabbing yt videos with rex_youtube plugin.

    (I know the editor won't work, but I won't need that.)

    ASUS CHROMEBOX-M004U Desktop

    my backup option is the atom but idk if the it has good enough specs?

    NewEra Mini PC Box Intel Atom X5-Z8300 64-bit Quad Core 1.44GHz RAM:2GB/ROM:32GB Windows 10 OS

  • Something along these lines is what you're looking for?

  • I don't really understand what your trying to do but you can

    set opacity to 0


    set invisible

    then turn collisions off if needed

  • add instance var of 0 by default

    sprite is on screen

    trigger once

    > set instance var to 1

    is not on screen

    and var = 1

    sprite destroy

    if somebody offers a better way then do that, because i think even if you include the "trigger once" condition it's still going to be constantly setting the var to 1.

  • toggle all the events off and try again, if it doesnt change then the problem isn't in your event sheets. Also disable any effects you have in your layers/layout.

    That pretty much will narrow it down to either the project settings/ configuration settings in construct or the build settings in the xdk.

    try switching to the fullscreen in browser to letterbox if it isn't already.

    make sure the 'first layout' setting isn't a blank layout

    Beyond that I will probably need to see the .capx

  • the simulator on xdk is kinda buggy, try pushing it to the testing server and see if it runs on your phone.

    if that doesn't work grab one of the game example templates and load that into the xdk.

    if the template runs then the problem is specific to your project, but if it also gives you a black screen then the problem is outside of your project.

  • For each item in the shop set frame 0 to a locked item symbol and add an instance variable.

    Each level completed add 1 to a global variable (I'll call it "level" for this comment).

    On start of layout item.variable is less than level » set frame to 1

    On item clicked if frame is not 0 » give the item to player.

    To check if frame is not 0, just use compare frame then toggle invert.

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Member since 19 Dec, 2016

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