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  • I posted a thread speacially with this topic i.e.Alternative to multiplayer object as i could not find any such topic

    It is here:

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  • I made a real-time multiplayer game with construct 2's multiplayer object, but as it turns out,it uses webRTC and cocoon canvas+ dont support it ,also it causes problems with android versions 4.4 and lower,so

    1>> How to use Google Play Multiplayer API in construct 2 as a on of games on play store are using it and it

    looks great! but icould not find anywhere a topic on how to integrate it with construct can anyone help


    2>> is there any other alternative to multiplayer object to make multiplayer game?

  • its really depressing because multiplayer was already tough enough !

    Though is there a better way to add multiplayer on construct 2 ???

    Please tell me!

    PS : what is the deal with google play multiplayer on construct 2??? is it possible?

  • I made a project with multiplayer, it is working fine in browser preview,

    ( i.e. both host and peer shows connecting > Logged in with username >You are the host etc.)

    But after export with cocoon canvas plus when i run the apk on my mobile

    it gets stuck on "connecting" each time ( is not connecting to scirra server)

    Its been two days, can anyone help me please please???

  • Okay! well thanks for help anyways,

    i am thinking about using phonegap now , its easy ,just have to find admob and google play plugins.

    Anyway great plugin! thanks for sharing it !

  • I have to use cocoon as i have google play , admob ads & canvas plus all with cocoon plugins , with phonegap i have to redo it all again from scratch as everything changes with plugins and compilation.

    it may sound demanding but can you provide me just one transition (flip x ) in events sheet or just the mechanics to do it would be enough as i know nothing about how transition work.

    just a request.

    Thank you

  • Thanks

  • PS: 2. Something like this ... th-shaders

  • Let me clear this srry for my english in advance :p

    1.All i want to ask that after exporting to cordova from construct 2 ... where to compile my game ? such that your plugin keep working. it does not work with cocoon , you dont know about xdk , so where should i compile my game after exporting to cordova from construct 2? please forgive me for if am making a rookie mistake here! :p

    2. I want to know if i could perform same transition effect with the help of events in construct 2 only, without using your plugin as we do any other stuff simply by using construct 2 events.

    Thank you

  • Also is it possible for you to provide the same effect with construct 2 event sheet somehow?

    It will be a very awesome help for me if that is possible because i have everything set according to cocoon and i dont wanna switch to intel.

    Thank you

    PS: (event sheet for just one transition would work, i will try to figure out other and share them )

  • Thanks for the quick reply ,

    Also i am exporting to cordova ... are you suggesting to use intel xdk instead of cocoon ?

    Thank you


    Hey,Someone help me please...

    I used layout transition in my game and it was working fine in previews,

    but when i exported it to cordova and compiled it with cocoon canvas+ it did not work in apk on my mobile device..

    Anyone knows anything may done wrong by me,...may be some plugin to be added in cocoon or something else i could do to fix it?

    Thanks in advance!

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Member since 9 Dec, 2016

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