Hi there.
Im looking for developer and artist ( ideally both in one person ) that could develop for me under Construct 2 the endless scroller ( the first version of game prototype you will find at petercernuska-endlessrunner.bitballoon.com ). I ask all applicants to send me their portfolio along their rates best at cernuskacwt@gmail.com. Im looking just for experienced developers that can prove their past works and can develop the minimalistic but highly polished platformer with similar size as the Flappy Bird or the Swing Copters etc. in high quality within reasonable timeframe and budget. I would appreciate if you could make a quote for the prototype you have found on the link. How many hours it would take to you to replicate the same prototype that is at the link in Construct 2? Secondly please send me another quote for that prototype with changes I want that you will find further in this message. Thirdly if I would hire you then I would like to participate on the development the way that you would make the quick changes in the game and I would take care about playtesting the game for QA to find bugs but mainly to polish the gameplay and the game overall so that way I would help you to save the time on the development by taking care about one of the most time consuming tasks that would lead to speeding up the development, cutting the costs of development but mainly to assure the game will look and behave as I intended. This is however not mandatory if you would not like this approach but I would prefer that way of collaboration plus send me your opinions on the collaboration "habits" that Im suggesting further in the message to make the development more effective and productive please. And here is the message with the changes that has to be made in the prototype and with the collaboration "habits" that I suggest:
So firstly I want change the main character from the prototype into bouncing ball because I think it will be more fun and challenging than with normal/static character.
The control should work the way the user should have already keep pressing the button when the ball is touching the ground to make a jump because if the ball is already in the air he cant make a jump and as previously the longer he keep pressing the button the higher jump he will make until some point.
Another change I think of is to make the platforms thin and place them randomly into space not just horizontally but vertically as well ( as you will find in the attached picture ) so there can be even more platforms in the same or similar horizontal point but different vertical point so that would mean that user would have more ways how to proceed further in game not just one because he would not just moving to the right but he could raising or falling of platforms as well while the screen is still scrolling to the left.
At first I want fill with platforms just single vertical screen that means the user can raise at most at the upper edge of the screen while screen is still scrolling to the left but later or if it would not be much more time consuming task then you could do it right now the way that the screen is possible scrolling vertically as well so that would mean the user can raise endlessly up to the heights and the higher he would get then the platforms would be continuously slightly shorter and the gaps between the platforms would be shortly wider to make it more difficult for the player to keep playing in the higher heights.
Eventually there could be added the horizontally or even vertically moving platforms into game as well to make it even more difficult for user to proceed but this feature I want add into game later just in case it will be needed because I want to keep the game simple as possible and it will be added just when and if it will be needed.
Furthermore there would be need for in game menu where I can change on the fly all in game parameters that affects the gameplay as balls radius and its bounce speed/frequency/height, jump speed and max jump distance/height or jump power, min/max platforms and gaps length, platform vertical thickness, scrolling speed etc.
Always start from the task that will take the least amount of time and proceed to the more complicated tasks so we have small changes done always quickly to not waiting too long for big tasks to finish. Even if you would be working on big task and you would receive from me the smaller tasks in the mean time then firstly finish the small tasks and then get back to bigger task unless finishing the already partly finished bigger task would take less time to finish than to finish the small task.
I think the good work habit could be if you would always firstly make detail description/specification of each task I will assign to you and then you will send to me the tasks specs for approval to be sure you understood exactly what I want from you and how you have to do it because it happens to me quite often that developers misunderstood me and make something else or different way than I wanted/intended and then its just waste of time/work/effort for us so this procedure would help us greatly I think. Plus of course you would add your development time estimate to each task you would send to me for approval.
Another good procedure could be if you would keep sending to me even more times per day the prototype always when you will make there a noticeable change so I dont need to wait for end of the day or until all changes will be done and implemented but I could then playtest it in the meantime and send you quickly feedback yet until you would work on other changes so this way we would minimise the time lost by you by waiting for my feedback to need to know what to do next and to proceed further without need to waiting for me when you have already assigned another tasks to do that would significantly speed up the development process.
Peter Cernuska
Here is the image how should "looks and be placed" thin platforms in the game instead the "fat" ones from current prototype: