I'm having problems with collision masks and gravity in that even if there is an overlap of 1 pixel, the collision will stop the object from falling.
Here's the collision mask for the left edge of this level:
<img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/ezlwkl.jpg" border="0" />
When the player jumps onto the left, he shouldn't stop, he should slide down... but this is what happens instead:
<img src="http://i45.tinypic.com/20tjy2o.jpg" border="0" />
It's causing a bunch of problems, especially with the "wall to left" and "wall to right" conditions - even if the "wall" is just 1 pixel higher than the ground, things will bounce off it (as asked to do when the condition is met).
Any ideas how to deal with this?
Example of the problem in action: