RBuster's Recent Forum Activity

  • I would like a suggestion to delimit an area where they could only drag objects within it. There is a frame around this area and I do not want her to be exceeded. I tried to use the "overlapping" not working. I know there is a simple solution to this but can not find. Thank you.

    PS> Where´s my avatar and my medals? Please, give me back, Ashley!

    Answer PS> Thank you!!!

  • That's weird.

    It's better to isolate the app and provide one test case for us. As a result, we can investigate it.

    yongsheng: I sent a PM with my account details and the name of the applications. Thanks for any help.

  • For 3rd issue, it's a known issue. That's because of different behaviors on phones and tablets.

    For phones, web audio comes out earpiece while web audio comes out speakers for tablets.

    yongsheng: But it is an isolated problem. 10 applications that were generated in the XDK, only one had audio problem. How can I solve this?

    And with regard to the problems of error in the construction of two applications? I checked and there are no special characters. What else can cause this?

  • Ainxty: Thanks for suggestion. I had read about it and I did a thorough review to see if there were special characters. I hope that there might be another reason and that may fix the problem.

  • yongsheng /

    I did a test with 03 applications and the third one gave error several times. Message saying to check the build assets. This may be a standard error? Is there any log or list I can check? Thanks

    Complementing: I'm not using special characters and unique behavior is "drag and drop"

    Complementing2: An new error occurred during application build (same message). In this case, I?m using Physics/Bullet/Sine behaviors

    Complementing3: The last application I tested gave audio problem (sound was very low on the speaker) on my phone (Moto g). I have not tested it on other devices, but in emulation and test mode in the XDK, the sound was normal. The strange thing is that no sound problem in other applications generated in the XDK and tested in Moto g.

  • Thank you,

  • Any difference between Intel XDK and Crosswalk? I thought they were the same thing? I did not find the "canary" option for Intel XDK. Thanks.

  • Hi Great idea. I'll test it. Thanks.

  • I would like to know how to detect the collision of an image point with a sprite. I read that this event would be implemented (http://www.scirra.com/forum/suggestion-point-overlaps-Object-condition_topic69992.html) but I could not find it in the program. Is it possible to do this?

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  • Thanks,

  • Hi LittleStain (new avatar/same help)

    Thanks for the suggestion. I tried to apply this but not work (certainly because I didn't understand what to do).

    In fact, I wish the line ends stay stuck on the last letter I clicked and the mouse cursor until I click on the last letter of the word.

  • Ashley: Thank you.

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