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  • I'm following the instructions in this tutorial to understand programming logic and appears an error that I cannot solve: when the card is created, it is not resized according to the size of the window. I found an error in the script that is registered in the Construct and I cannot change it. See that in the "Y" field in the event sheet does not appear the initial parenthesis, while the window parameters, the script was written correctly. Compare the images of my event sheet and the tutorial, which is different from what is shown in the video . What can I do to fix it? Is a bug? Thanks

    <img src="http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3566/hzlb.gif" border="0" />

    Below event sheet file tutorial example

    <img src="http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/1012/au6.gif" border="0" />

  • Hi Chris,

    Could you reupload the capx, please?


  • Great example, Thanky you. I'll study it very well.

    I intend to use several wagons and the last one that engaged in the train must be responsable to join to the next wagon. With this example I can do this easily or I need to change something?

    Thanks again.

  • Hi vee41,

    This file has a problem. I've tried opening it on two machines. I have attached the image with the error message. This error only happens when I try to open your CAPX. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/error.gif" border="0" />

  • Thanks for the explanations, jayderyu

    vee41: The game is to maneuver the train to catch all wagons. I will create maps with difficulties. The important thing is that both the train as the cars must walk the path. The train will pull all of them, after engage each. The file that you attached is the same as before? Thanks

  • Thanks for the example,

    I change the interface of your file and did some tests. I noticed that the control for Physics was not very good and despite including the solid behavior, there is a moment that the car passes under the obstacle. I am attaching the CAPX to give you an idea.


  • The game will be in top view mode. The sprites, once together, they will have to go for curved paths. I'm using obstacles to determine the path and 8directions behavior to define the main sprite movement. When I make the curve with the sprite1 and sprite2 (connected by Physics / Pin Join or behavior), the sprite2 remain parallel or slightly changes the angle, ie not accompanying the motion. How can I resolve this in an easy way?

  • After the train is engaged in the cart, I cannot move them together.

    Obs.: I have replaced the physics to 8directions behavior

  • Nice example, But you didn't use the pin behavior. Could you do the same thing that you do with physics? Thanks

  • Thaks for the suggestion,

    As I understand it, the sprite 2 is over the sprite 1. Sprite 2 must join in a specific side of Sprite 1. And with respect to the articulated junction? Does anyone have more suggestions and, if possible, an example (capx)? Thanks

  • Does anyone have an example of how to join two sprites side by side at the moment that sprite1 touch in sprite2 (collision)? This always should occur only on one side. The first sprite (player)must pulls the second part and the others that touching (like a train). I would also make this junction articulated during movement (Physics + Joint?). Thanks

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  • I did some experiments with the 8-directions behavior and works too (I wonder why use the bullet instead of 8-directions). The problem is that the player is not stuck to the rail and does not change direction smoothly in perpendicular movements. If I move the playe horizontally and pressed the UP / DOWN in the middle of the line, the sprite loses the path reference and doesn't move anymore.

    Sample: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72651057/rail_test.capx

    Please some more ideas and suggestions.


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