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  • Hello. Sorry if the title sounds dumb, I just don't know how to call it.

    If any of you played Europa Universalis or Crusader Kings before you should know what I'm talking about. I want to emulate the province to province pathfinding those games have. I've tried a couple of things but I haven't managed to figure out a solid way to do it. Any help is appreciated.

  • Ah, that's sad. Thanks for the help though!

  • I have an object with an instance variable which is a number. I need to set it to a value which is obtained from combining two strings together.

    The first string is obtained by checking another instance variable in the object, called "owner". The variable "owner" in this case is set to "FRA".

    The second string is just called "_hue_red".

    So by combining "FRA" and "_hue_red" I should get "FRA_hue_red", which is the name of a global variable. However, it just ends up as a string and it doesn't get converted into a number.

    The problem here is that I can't figure out how to convert it into a number. I've looked around google but I couldn't figure it out from there either.

    I tried using integers like this: int(object.owner & "_hue_red") but it didn't work.

    I probably explained my question pretty poorly, but that's mostly because I suck at explaining things. Thanks in advance.

  • Hello again, after searching for quite some time and beating my noggin' against the table a couple of times I couldn't find a solution to my problem.

    It's quite simple and I think I might have asked it before but the link to the .capx was broken.

    As you can see with this expertly-made illustration, the arm's angle is always towards the mouse, but if I mirror the player and the arm, the arm aims inverse.

    There's an extremely simple fix to this problem, obviously, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Oh yes, that was exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

  • Hello again, since I plan to mess around with a lot of enemy types, I've put them in a family so my code isn't more spaghettified for the future, however, I'm not sure how to do healthbars for each enemy type unless I specifically code the healthbar for each single unit type, is there a way to use family variables to tidy up the code for the healthbars?

    I've tried to do it myself but the healthbar is always the same width for each unit.

    Thanks in advance.

  • I got it working now, thanks for the help, all!

  • I've messed around with it a bit more and it works! But is there any way for an object to instantly move to the next tile instead of sliding?

  • Thanks for the reply, I got the plugins and I've toyed around with the tilemap pathfinding one, but I don't see a way of making it like classic roguelike movement.

  • I think we all know what roguelike movement is like, entities just move instantly to the tile next to them.

    Movement like this is possible I'm pretty sure,

    but is it possible to transfer this kind of movement to pathfinding?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hello, I've had some trouble with the crosshair.

    I want it to be unable to move beyond the red lines in this picture, I've tried some clamp expressions, but I haven't managed to make it work.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

  • I see. What else?

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Member since 19 Nov, 2016

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