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    In my opinion I don't like the subscription model I would just like to pay 100 or 200 (What I paid for construct 2 was 200) only once.


    I only paid 130$ I mean't to say

    IMHO - the subscription model has issues. One of the main "over the barrel" issues is that if you publish an app that was created in C3, you MUST keep the subscription to C3 in order to maintain the app - no matter how little revenue it generates - forever. Google Play changes its polices multiple times per year, many times requiring an app update. If you don't have a C3 subscription, you can't update the app - and GP boots it.

    Another issue for a dev is that if Scirra goes out of business, so does the dev. C2 could run independently from Scirra, with no subscription, C3 cannot.

    All in all, the subscription model makes Construct a less than desirable option for a serious business or independent dev. Scirra is a small company and the tech industry is brutal with no guarantees.

    I enjoy using C3 for "goofing around" but I would be hesitant in basing my day job on the product or any kind of income, other than "fun money" that is not desperately needed.

    Just my 2c.

    I agree

    Ya once I saw c3 subscription based that was a huge turn off

    Oh ok thanks for the response

    It got me thinking so I wanted to ask. Construct 2 wasn't subscription based why construct 3 :)

    I have tried Godot, But I didnt find it anywhere close to C2

    It has visual coding, but you should know C++ to do major tasks, Im a designer, not a coder (so it didn't work for me). The engine UI doesn't look solid aswell, Also limited help resources..

    The closest to C2 that I found is "GDevelop" its literally like a C2 Sibling.

    If you want you can try that out, its Free opensource.

    Ok thanks for letting me know

    Ive been debating this I been working with construct 2 for a while and Construct has helped a lot for me if I do switch I will finish up my current project on construct 2 then start working with godot. Let me know what you think and if it's a good choice. And no hate on construct if u think that.

  • It appears to me that only those with a C3 license get a medal on this new forum, which is I suppose understandable, as C3 is the primary focus now.

    Oh ok that's fine thanks so much for responding

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    Do I get a medal?

    If you have construct 2 personal licenses then yes

  • bottom dead topic tho dude

  • Hi I just wanted someone to grant me the "Awesome profile medal" I bought construct 2 but never got it. (edit) Felt like I didn't make it clear I am talking about the website not the construct 2 website just wanted to make that clear. :)

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