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  • Schoening

    Under graphics I meant the backround, sprites and other things, because I have now just some stickmen for testing:)

    Great idea for opening thread for that!

  • Schoening I'm planning to work the health thing out :)

    Here's my to-do list:

    • make nameplates
    • server-side healths
    • figure out how to make accounts for reloadable status
    • graphics and other fancy stuff

    And if I can make somehow accounts, than I can try to make achievements and other competitive stuff.

    Any idea people for anything above? :)

  • You are right. Such a better solution, than mine, thanks!:)

    Any idea for nameplates?

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  • Ohh, I forgot to write down my problem:)

    So I want to make nameplates above the players. It works only when someone moves, because I put them into the update message. The name is appears at the moving player, but disappears from the others. It stays at the same place above the last moved.

    Someone has any idea for this?

  • Schoening Here's my solution for the leave button:

    Event: Button -> on clicked AND Sprite -> Pick instance with UID Controller.MineUID

    Action: Send "DC," & str(Sprite.NetworkID)

    Event: System-> compare: Socket.LastDataElement(0)="DC"

    Subevent: Controller -> compare: MineID != int(Socket.LastDataElement(0)

    AND Sprite -> Pick instance with UID Array.At(int(Socket.LastDataElement(1)))

    Action: Sprite -> Destroy

    This is my solution for that, and it works for me perfectly:) But the browser closing is problem for me too.

  • Thanks! It's a great idea, I'll give it a try!

    Btw thanks for the awesome tutorial of making games available to play online! You just know what's going on here!:D

  • LimonSpace

    I have the same issue with creating multiplayer games. If I log in with 2 or more players, the "ScrollTo" function messes up everything.

    Is there a way to have a ScrollTo function for each player, but don't affect the others?

    Idea: what if I make a personal, invisible scrollto-box, and when a player joins, destroys everyone's but their?

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Member since 9 Oct, 2012

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