justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • rexrainbow - The plugin link in the Parse_itemtable plugin link points to the parse_message file instead by accident

  • re: header/body - ok, so if you had multiple games perhaps, and you made the header the name of the game, and the body would be the players stats within that game.

    thanks for the quick responses!

  • rexrainbow - one more question, when playing around with the Parse Authentication plugin, if i use the "quick signup and login" it seems to work, but the browser console says POST https://api.parse.com/1/login 404 (Not Found)

    But it seems to make an account just fine

  • rexrainbow - Forgive me for being new to this awesome plugin of yours. But what is the difference between a "header" and a "body" ?

  • Is it possible to combine 2 different types of objects into one family?

  • If you want the object with the litetween behavior to do 2 different things at once, eg: move AND rotate, is that possible? or do you have to add the behavior twice (one for each type of move)?

    also what's the best way to use it if you want moves to play out once after each other. eg: move THEN rotate

  • I'm looking for a simple way to create a series of moves or changes, and be able to apply that to any object down the road.

    Imagine a button, and you want to make it fancy by having it slide onto screen, wiggle a bit by animating the width/height, then flash, then grow in size. But now, be able to take that list of moves and apply it to any other object quickly and cleanly. Kinda like a function, but with the ability to have things change over time like litetweens etc.

    So that later you could simply say -> on touch - make touched object "jiggle appear"

    I've looked at some of the plugins like rex's cmdQueue and tweenTasks, but it seems like these can only be applied to a specific object and that you'd have to set them up all over again to another object. (unless i've missed something).

    Can anyone recommend how they'd setup a system like this?

  • russpuppy

    I also think that the NW.js exporter could be a good choice since we could start files from the OS with the nwjs plugin. Hypothetically we should be able to run a .bat file or equivalent On Start of layout in the "Start" layout and when running that bat command try to find out the ip (ipconfig) and then start the nodejs server (node server.js) then instead of having prodUrl as a static variable in the construct 2 project we could read this from a file which we modify in the start.bat with something like:

    for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping %computername% -n 1 ^| findstr "["') do (set thisip=%%a) > echo %thisip% > > @OneMuppet - I was playing around with this idea, but can't get nwjs to run a bat file, it seems to only like .exe's

  • - Is there a way to be able to make the server connection stuff lookup a dynamic IP address instead of pre-filling it in the project properties?

    Imagine a situation where you export the app to nw.js for example and when you run it you would need to main program to show you the connection information where the players will need connect to. If it could display in a text field the main games local ip address that would be awesome.


  • While in preview i can view the IP address of the window that the game is running on using the "Browser.Domain" information, however this doesnt seem to work when exporting with nw.js.

    perhaps there's some way using the "execute Javascript" browser command similarly to the way people have used that to enable fullscreen via code?


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  • with more tinkering this morning i was able to resolve the issue. In case anyone else is experiencing similar issues, it boiled down to not following the instructions laid on in the example project properly.

    wrong way: using a simple compare 2 variables (crowdgaming.onreceivedaction1 = "hit")

    correct way - it should be a sub event of a "on message" event

    eg: ->Crowdgaming On Message

    -(crowdgaming.onreceivedaction1 = "hit") -> do stuff

  • - I've been having a lot of fun playing with the Crowdgaming plugin.

    One issue i've run into using the scenario like in your example (where the main game is sending an "action" to all of the controllers, is that its not very reliable for the controllers to receive that command.

    You can see it the other way around as well, when the controllers are sending the information to the main game in the "space shooter" example you provided.

    If you count how many times you press the shoot button, and how many times the bullet spawns and shoots it won't add up. Especially if you click the shoot button rapidly.

    Is there any workarounds or solutions you can think of so that its a bit more reliable? I'm guessing lag is the issue, but you are the master behind this plugin.

    thanks! Keep up the great work!

    btw both 4.2 and 4.3 exhibit this issue.

    If it is indeed a lag issue, perhaps there's some clever way i can program something in C2 to solve for it?

    perhaps instead of sending a single action, i send it multiple times, but as soon as it receives at least 1, ignore the rest? I dunno, just thinking off the top of my head

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