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  • You can make a square sprite (your line) and change its origin point to the left.

    on touch start,

    pick nearest word to touch.x touch.y

    create object sprite at word.x, word.y

    set position to word.x word.y

    save that x and y value as touchstartX touchstartY

    while in drag - > set the width to distance(touchstartx, touchstartY, touch.x, touch.y)

    set sprite . angle = (touchstartx, touchstarty, touch.x, touch.y)

    this will make the box stretch and aim at whatever you are dragging to

    on touch end ,

    pick nearest object(eg: shoe)

    set sprite width to (word.x word.y, shoe.x, shoe.y)

    set angle to (word.x word.y, shoe.x, shoe.y)

    when you let go it will leave the line connecting the two items

  • There's a great plugin someone wrote called "Magicam" which would be great for what you are doing. check it out

  • trigger when player gets to the hallway,

    subevent Every 1 second , add 1 to "hiding timer"

    on trigger that initiates the scrape sound -> play scrape sound

    subevent Every 1 second, add 1 to "hall timer"

    if halltimer = 7 and player.hiding = 0 and hiding timer < 3 -> do game over

    upon exiting the hallway, set hiding timer and hallway timer to 0

    also when they stop hiding, set the hiding timer to 0 as well

  • This is the easiest way

  • you want to create branches above the viewporttop(0)?

    if so then just do viewporttop(0) - 100 or whatever

  • Right click the event sheet and choose "Include event Sheet"

  • I'm not sure what its actually supposed to look like or do, but it seems to make a randomly generated map for me when i run it.

    what are you expecting it to do?

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  • Yes.

  • Yes, In construct the term is "picking" an object. It is a way of specifying which particular object or objects you want to apply an action to.

    So in your case you would want to do

    On start of layout ->

    (sub event) System Pick by Evaluate -> Player.name = GlobalVariable -> apply actions

    you can "pick" the player by its instance variable "name" or its UID, or a alot of other ways as well.

  • You could also use the Litetween behavior

    on function "fade in"

    sprite set target value "opacity" 100

    sprite start litetween

    it will animate till it reaches 100 based on its property settings (eg: lerp, duration etc)

    litetween allows you to specify a "value" as well that be used for anything that needs to change over time.

    So you can say something like , set sprite.width to Sprite.LiteTween.Value to use in in circumstances beyond just the litetween basic properties as well

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/726/sw ... hange-page

    there's a smoother sliding version in the provided capx as well

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