justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • Here's another great resource for picking good color schemes for our games.


    simply "like" or "dislike" the colors it shows you and it dynamically finds you a nice palette of colors

  • chrisbrobs - Does this only work on a sprite? or can it be applied to a whole layer edge?

  • yeah i'd be suspicious of a few of these people claiming to have good rates. They dont have any forum posts, and only show up to say this? yeah, they are just trying to get you to use their services. dont trust them.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Have you tried a different recording program?

    I use this one for quick captures


    read the part about if you are using windows 10 with it for optimum performance.

  • you computer isnt powerful enough to both screen capture AND play the game at the same time? Old laptop?

    try on a more powerful computer

    also try capturing at a smaller resolution. play the game in a window

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  • plays smoothly on my machine (chrome)

    also, there's gotta be a smarter way to organize those events. seems like you are doing a ton of un necessary actions in there.

    Strobe - There's a lot of "bland" looking game because they are mostly being made by people who are new to game development and most are not artists or game designers either.

    If more people had a solid background in art first, then start making games i bet we'd see a lot more 'pretty' games. Its also very hard to properly "finish" and polish a game. most people get bored and want to explore new mechanics and concepts instead.

    Its not the engine that holding anyone back, its how people are using it.

    If anyone has been strungling to make their game a bit more special. check out his great game dev talk about making your game more "juicy".

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Problem Description

    I noticed that if you update the name of a group that is bookmarked, it wont updated in the "Bookmarks" window unless you toggle the bookmark On then Off again.

    Attach a Capx

    Capx: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B11Xu ... kVQbW1pOTQ

    Description of Capx

    Single group with a bookmark attached to it.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • 1) Make sure your "Bookmarks" Window is visible
    • 2) Change name of group while bookmark is active again

    Observed Result

    Result: Bookmark name in "Bookmarks" window doesnt update unless you toggle the bookmark OFF/ON

    Expected Result

    Name in Bookmarks window should update upon changing the name, similarly to the way variables update in an event sheet automatically when changed.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • I love this one.


    its pay what you want.

  • ~


    1920x1080 is a 16:9 screen ratio, so it should fit on most devices as well. However for tablest I personally recommend you to use a 16:10 screen ratio (1920x1200). Moreover it's not needed to built your mobile games in full hd, hd is sufficient. But this is up to you

    Yes CocoonJS did support Letterbox scale, but CocoonIO doesn't.

    Thank you for your feedback!



    You recommedn 1920x1200 but in your blog post it says 1280x800, is that the same aspect ratio?

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