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  • is there any chance to make the application run a specific file?

  • Yann , i think this tutorial is yours

    i have modified and adapted it to my project, but i need to set a Global Variable with the item name in each equip slot

    can you helpme with this?

  • SacrilAI

    That part is what im working on atm If life doesnt get in the way i can get this done faster. But I would imagine it would just be moving data from this array to the other array with copying array row to another row slot. and then delete the "moved" slot

    Or another idea that i had was to fake it sort of like having one array for all the pokemon caught and the first 6 "caught" pokemon would be the party only and the rest would only show up on the PC inventory and from there you can move them around on a X axis or Yaxis or something crazy like that.

    But my current goal is to get a pokedex to work. But feel free to drop any mail into my Pm we can share finding.

    i have it almost ready, i cant send PM for now, but this is my email i can show you my capx

    about the pokedex, i think i can do it easy contact me an i tell you my ideas

  • is any way to display another layout in the layout you are playing?, for example, i have the inventory in a layout named inventory, and when i press a key, the inventory appears in a small window witout leaving the actual layout

    thanks in advance

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  • Well i am actually working on make a pokemon engine and I have no problem sharing my events since its huge and only still only at 109 event.

    You are going to need to have the paid version since there alot of variable and checks and im using like 20 arrays and checks.

    Best plug in to get is CSV to array plugin. Trust me it will save you like 50 to 60 hours. plus you can excel make your own array without doing the set array action forever.

    Atm im working on the Pokemon battle screen i already got the attack down done to enemy....Its a long formula lol.

    So just email me question on which part you are working on and I can try to walk you through them as best a i currently can.

    hi, im working on a game similar to pokemon, i need to make the PC inventory System, for store the pokemons and select 6 of them to use it in game, can you help me with that?

  • Sure you can, you have instance variables (and arrays) to do that. And you will end up with 700 times less code.

    I'll try it, but if you can give me an example I'll appreciate it.

  • > Lol, you know that we have almost 700 pokemons? In that way i have to do it 4200 times, is the only way to do it?


    Yeah, use 1 object with 700 frames, or if they animate, with 700 animations.

    I need to set skills and different behaviors for ech one, i don't think I can do it in that way.

  • There is a handy Nickname plugin that enables you to create an object by its nickname.

    Thanks so much, is what i need

  • Here are 2 tips for you:

    1. Do a lot of small independent tests - Analyse you game for elements where you assume problems might occur, obvious this is easier the more experience you have, but for instant if you know that you will need a lot of different units types in your case 700, how can you design such object so you can work with them efficiently, its definitely not a good idea to make 700 global variables to keep track of them, so how do you get around that? And you do this as a separate project simply to test whether its going to work or not, so don't add it in your final project and its best to do it before you even start the project.

    2. How do you organize a project so you can find things - In my game Dragonhelm in my description (Which is now abandoned) there is 5657 events. Now imagine finding a specific function or event, if you might not remember exactly what its called, or if you notice a bug in the game, but which event actual caused it?. So spending time on making a system so you know exactly where to look for things is a must. A good idea would be for instant not to mix functions and other types of events etc, but whatever works for you. But this is where C2 really crumbles in my opinion, the lack of tools for helping with this, you are really left with this almost alone.

    Thanks for your tip, actually i have a good system to organize my project, I'll find that plugin

  • Lol, you know that we have almost 700 pokemons? In that way i have to do it 4200 times, is the only way to do it?

  • It is my first time with Construct and there are many things I do not know

    the first i need to create an object, but not a specific object, just the one that his name match with the text in the Global Variable

    in my case, i just can specify one single object

    the other thing is, following a tutorial i have created an rpg inventory, how i do for set the value of the global variable with the name of the object placed in the equipslot of the inventory. so when you put an object on the equip slot in the inventory, then you can make it appear in the game by clicking on it

    this inventory uses one single sprite for all the items, and every frame is one single item

    this a picture of the inventory on the tutorial

  • Tbanks for your help, i found what I'm looking for

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Member since 15 Oct, 2016

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