Ashley I did try it, unfortunately it didn't fix the problem. I'm not sure how I can send you a Visual Studio project, but it is pretty simple to reproduce the problem.
Pretty much just add a text object to the screen and set its text to the number of touches. Then just export as a Windows 8 project. After you export it add a reference to the Microsoft Advertising SDK inside the head section like so:
<script src="/MSAdvertisingJS/ads/ad.js"></script>
After you do that add the following html next to the C2 canvas like this:
<!-- The canvas the project will render to. If you change its ID, don't forget to change the
ID the runtime looks for in the jQuery events above (ready() and cr_sizeCanvas()). -->
<canvas id="c2canvas" width="1366" height="768" oncontextmenu="return false;" onselectstart="return false;">
?The browser appears to have HTML5 disabled. Try checking the compatibility settings.
<div style="position:absolute; width:100%; bottom:0px;">
<div id="myAd" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: 728px; height: 90px; z-index: 1;"
data-win-options="{applicationId: 'REPLACE-WITH-APPLICATION-ID', adUnitId: 'AD-UNIT-ID'}">
Take note I got the instructions from here:
Pretty much just run the project after that, touch inside the canvas and drag until your on top of the ad and release. Then touch the screen again and it should increment the amount of touches. You might be right about it being a Win8 thing. I just wish they had a work around for it.
Hope this helps.