Ashley Could you help us?
Thanks. But yes it was my code same as your. But this isnt work anymore on my project. Before was work without anyproblem.
My Purchasing button not working anymore (In Apk Purrchasing). Is this about problem Play Billing Library Version 3 ? Is that code change? Than what is the new code, what would i do? Before it was work perfect.
My Purchasing button not working anymore neither. Is this same problem with you. Is this about problem Play Billing Library Version 3 ?
Thanks Ashley now it is work again. I was scared.
All old perfect working files have same problem now. :(
All years I always make apk with construct 3 and android studio but today i couldent export apk. But 1 week ago with same file i was export and publish. Now same file give error.
Android studio give this error. What must i do now?
Hi. Thanks for advice. As you say it was so easy.
But it took my attention when phone is online pass the button but after turn your phone offline, online check button not work. Mean you still play offline after one skip.
Thanks. Is there any tutorial about "Browser Is Online"? I searched but couldn't find it.
Because ads revenue down with out it. I am asking for mobile android game. I am using export as android project.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Ok i give up my 5.0 android phone XD
I can downgrade 21 with an third party app and work play with my phone. But this time Google puplish not accept this app.
I try it older versions of C3.Fail
Now i try on android studio:
Member since 8 Oct, 2016