Hello Guys,
Deadly Space Boss Arena is a unique type of game where you must aid Alyssa or Ben (main characters) to defeat the evil Slicer who has spawn many mini-bosses in the Galaxy.
- Boss Generator: Will be able to fight different bosses. Some stronger or weaker than others.
- Weapon/Hat : Collect bounty cash gained from killing bosses to buy awesome and powerful weapons and hats (armors) you can use on your main character.
- Gear Enhance System: Use your bounty cash to enhance your weapons and make stronger (Ex. +5 Dragon Gun)
At the moment, I'm just implementing new features and ideas as the day pass. I'm looking to release this game in Jan 2014. Best of all, the game will be free!!
Please follow Twisted Identity's Facebook page for the latest update on the game.
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<img src="https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/p480x480/1458488_553359394750079_536608093_n.png" border="0">
More screenshots and a trailer coming soon. I will update this thread accordingly.