s c i r ra. co m/ a r c ad e /r ol e- pl ay i ng -g a mes/ new -p ro je ct -11 301
I can't post URLS yet, but I did upload the version I have to the arcade. I can't see it under my profile yet, but it's there.
here is the link if you can see it, if not I guess I'll just have to wait till I have enough rep.
scirra.com/arcade/role-play ... ject-11263
I want this to be multiplayer eventually, so I actually like that idea better. I'm all ears. This was just the "quick and dirty" way. Eventually players will be able to switch weapons and hands(reversing arc of sword) and use different weapons like 2-handers (a much wider arc).
Yeah I agree, but I couldn't figure out how to implement what I have now using that scheme. Right now I'm just redrawing it, but it should move naturally instead. I can't figure out how to get it to do that.
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I made a "lazy" version, but it looks horrible. There has to be a better way than this.
That's what I have right now. I'm trying to have the sword arc 1/4 of the way around the player on click, with a cooldown so only one sword is created at a time. Haven't gotten it to work yet.
I wish there was an inverse() function
It's not there anymore.
Member since 28 Sep, 2016