Sorry for the late answer, I was on Christmas holidays.
[quote:24fpnv3a]When peers get "timer0", they send their answers to host (if not empty, tag "Answer")
Don't know whether you added this yet or not, but it may be sensible to catch the case that every player submits an empty answer, by accident.
So that it doesn't display "", but "No answer given" for example.
[quote:24fpnv3a]I thought about asking the host to count the answers he gets and set timer to 10 only when that number reaches peercount-1.
Yep, that is exactly what I would do.
Don't start a new round before the host didn't receive all answers.
You could also add a timeout, so that when the timer is 0, he waits 30 seconds and after that, he uses the answers he received no matter whether there are some missing (which should be unlikely anyways).
[quote:24fpnv3a] find another way to exclude those from the dictionary, so nobody get points for not answering.
Just compare the content of the received message.
If "Multiplayer.Message" equals "", then it is empty.
If you invert this condition, it isn't.
Easy as that.
I'm happy you are making progress.