cosmos10040's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi guys I need some help with a weapon system I would greatly appreciate it if I can get some help for :-)

    Problem: I created about 4 melee weapons and when I try to pick one weapon up. It picks all of them up at the same time. (I can drop all of them too.

    I basically set up the code like this:


    Press down+ overlapping melee;

    --subevent- instance 1     'set animation to crowbar

    --subevent- instance 2     'set animation to sword

    --subevent- instance 3     'set animation to bat

    pick up flag false        'set pickup flag to true


    pickupflag is true + overlapping weapon

    (I would then do the subevents again but this time set the position of the weapons to the players hand.)

    What is the best way of handling this? perhaps I am not using instances and sub-events correctly. Can someone explain the best method.

  • lucid- im trying but maybe im installing the plugin incorrectly but i get the same error. there is no readme in the zip. where am i putting the contents of that file?

  • hey i tried dragging the example scml file from the brashmonkey site. but C2 gave me an error that the spriter plugin was either missing or not installed correctly. Im using the latest beta build

  • i finally updated my drivers. it still happens even with r107. But i would say its mostly like 75% of the time.I really don't know what it could be. It happens with other files too.

  • Im a new member here, glad to meet you all. I cant wait to create full games using Construct 2

  • wow that worked! thanks a lot!

  • Does anybody here know how to maintain acceleration and speed of an player object when no longer touching the arrow keys?

  • Nearly every time i suspend my laptop and wake it, c2 just crashes! <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Not only that, but it resets my preferences too <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> That's so not cool. I would like to show an image of the error but i cant upload a pic here. This happened with both 103 and 105 versions.

    C2 105

    windows xp sp3

  • thanks for the reply again. i have tried set ignore input action. However, as soon as the input is ignored, if my character is in mid air, their acceleration will halt and they will drop down to the floor. That is not what i intended to to. Is there an easy way to maintain it's current acceleration even after letting go of the keys?

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  • that sounds interesting i will try that for the sprint and double jump. How do i disable certain buttons , like the arrow buttons for the duration of a animation or move, but still be able to press the Space button for attack. thanks for the reply

  • I'm a new user to C2 and i love the software btw. I'm working on a side scroller. I want to know what is the best way to achieve my goals. Which is to have custom movement such as double jumps, running, knock backs, etc. Can i combine platform behavior with custom movement? Or should i just use custom entirely? Are there any plat-former examples with just custom movement? I have seen the platform tutorial in the examples folder, that doesn't really help me. Thank you.

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Member since 30 Sep, 2012

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