cosmos10040's Forum Posts

  • newt - That sounds like a good idea. I've always longed for such a feature. I Did not like having to create an instance variable just for a custom timer for each feature I wanted. The wait command is not that usable for such a feature.

  • This is nice thanks! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • This is very important to know. Any help would be appreciated. thank you

  • so any takers here? This seems like a legit problem.

  • We have fixed the issue with picking up weapons. The "For Each" condition was overlooked and missed for some reason.

    ProblemFixed by thegamer123, on Flickr

  • This is what we did to make it work. However there are 10 different weapons. So would have to repeat this 10 different times with invert/un-invert different animations.

    Weaponpic by thegamer123, on Flickr

    We would like any suggestions to make it work with less coding.

    Arima we have not tried that yet. Can you please look at the file?

    yea the objects going towards you is not a big problem. the only weapon we made to work n that cap was the bat. we can now pick up weapons doing this method.

  • ssqidter Yes we have tried that also with the same result. We are willing to change the pick up/instances code if there is an easier method.

  • Theres an event that reads:

    Is animation d1 playing- set wpntype value to 1

    (d1 being bat)

    So yes you are pretty close. We are having a problem trying to overlap an instance and only pick up that instance. But there is no such event. We tried:

    player overlapping melee + pick unique ID 1. that didn't work

    then we tried:

    player overlapping melee + wpntype is 1. that would work, but if you have more than one of that same wpntype it would pick up both no matter how far apart.

  • The platform behavior was a way to get gravity working for the melee objects, it could be done many ways actually. But the goal is to pick up only one instance of a weapon without picking up the rest.

  • I believe the problem is the melee intances group and the pick up group. Iplaygames is basing the id of a weapon based on the sprite that is randomly generated at the start of layout.

    If a bat is selected, the bat will have a weaponttype value of 1, if its a crowbar it will be 2 and so on.

    In the pickup up group, which is just one line of code its where I think the problem lies. Its basically if your overlapping the melee object and press down it will pick It up. But its not very specific so it can pick up any weapon. Should values be used to identify a certain sprite or maybe something else?

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  • Iplaygames is using a pickup variable already and it does determine if its picked up or not. Perhaps someone else can look at the capx and see what can be fixed.

  • what is lerp? how do we use lerp?

  • Hi guys I need some help with a weapon system I would greatly appreciate it if I can get some help for :-)

    Problem: I created about 4 melee weapons and when I try to pick one weapon up. It picks all of them up at the same time. (I can drop all of them too.

    I basically set up the code like this:


    Press down+ overlapping melee;

    --subevent- instance 1     'set animation to crowbar

    --subevent- instance 2     'set animation to sword

    --subevent- instance 3     'set animation to bat

    pick up flag false        'set pickup flag to true


    pickupflag is true + overlapping weapon

    (I would then do the subevents again but this time set the position of the weapons to the players hand.)

    What is the best way of handling this? perhaps I am not using instances and sub-events correctly. Can someone explain the best method.

  • lucid- im trying but maybe im installing the plugin incorrectly but i get the same error. there is no readme in the zip. where am i putting the contents of that file?

  • hey i tried dragging the example scml file from the brashmonkey site. but C2 gave me an error that the spriter plugin was either missing or not installed correctly. Im using the latest beta build