Yasharitsu's Recent Forum Activity

  • Made my first game with Construct 2. It's called Ladybug and it's an arcade game.

    App store

  • Made my first game with Construct 2. It's called Ladybug and it's an arcade game.

    Google Play

  • Hi everyone

    When I'm trying to submit my C2 app to the Appstore it doesn't work and this is what I get:

    "Guideline 2.3.8 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

    We still noticed the app icon displayed on the device and the large icon displayed on the App Store do not sufficiently match, which makes it difficult for users to find the app they just downloaded.

    Please see attached screenshots for details.

    Next Steps

    To resolve this issue, please update the smaller device icon to match the larger App Store icon. When users search for your app on their devices, they should be able to recognize it from the icon on the App Store.


    Since the large app icon will be displayed for your app on the desktop App Store, we recommend you provide an attractive, original icon that meets the following requirements for both iPhone/iPod touch and iPad apps:

    • 512px square (do not scale-up smaller artwork, as this could appear pixelated and blurry)
    • 72ppi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
    • High quality JPEG,TIFF, or PNG image file format. (ZIP-compressed TIFF files are not acceptable)

    You can also preview image files before submitting them by clicking the filename to view them in a separate window. Note that the small icon that you include inside your app's binary will be used on the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad Home screen when installed. For more on icon sizes, please review App Icons on iPad and iPhone.

    For resources on creating eye-catching icons, you may want to review the App Store Product Page information available on the Apple developer portal."

    I tried to create the (the one that's causing the problem) manually in the folder but after using phonegap, uploading it to Itunes Connect and then trying to submit it to the Appstore it didn't seem to work as the Icon just looks like the normal Cordova Icon...

    I know that I could solve this problem easily if I could find a way to convert it so I can open it in Xcode but I haven't found a way to do so.

    Has anyone had to deal with the same problem and found a solution?

  • > I'll have to test this on my phone. It doesn't work in the construct 2 preview but I think it doesn't save any game progress and deletes everything after I close the browser.


    Interesting, I haven't tested it on mobile so sorry I can't help you from here. Hopefully someone with more mobile experience will chime in soon.

    Didn't work. I probably did something wrong.

  • > I tried to use local storage to achieve that but it didn't work. I used "Set Array to Array". Then when I enter the layout with the scores I've done "On start of layout - Set "Array" to Localstorage.itemvalue"



    Here is how I save and load an array:

    The save event (lets say click "save" button) triggers the following actions to save High Scores array (we'll call this "hscore":

    Object Local Storage: Set item "hscore_key" to hscore.AsJSON

    On Layout Start:

    Object Local Storage On item "hscore_key" exists: Get item "hscore_key"

    Object Local Storage on item "hscore_key" get: Object hscore (the array) Load from JSON string LocalStorage.ItemValue

    I'll have to test this on my phone. It doesn't work in the construct 2 preview but I think it doesn't save any game progress and deletes everything after I close the browser.

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  • Hello everyone.

    I created a top ten highscore layout using arrays. Now my problem is that every time I leave the game on my phone the entire list is gone.

    I tried to use local storage to achieve that but it didn't work. I used "Set Array to Array". Then when I enter the layout with the scores I've done "On start of layout - Set "Array" to Localstorage.itemvalue"

    Does anyboday have an idea?

  • dropbox.com/s/04p6xrlnn57owox/scoretable.capx

    Done. Sir, you are a legend! Thanks a lot!

  • Arrays would be the much cleaner and shorter code way to do it.. and you will only help yourself by learning them.

    You can do it using just variable as I pointed out above but your code will be 3x as long.

    I've read an explanation aboutthem but didn't really understand it. Have to give it another try.

  • Good local storage tutorial. It is the part the other tutorial seems to be out of date on (it's using old webstorage).


    Will I need to work with arrays too?

  • I assume this is for single player offline and not via scirra arcade.

    You will need to learn how to use local storage first, it is not too complex.

    You will need a variable to store in local storage that tracks how many times player "won" and increments each time by one... ie. timesScored=0.. (win) timesScored=1.

    You will then need to make a variable for each score you want stored. You can use global variables for this or make a global sprite "brain" with instance variable inside (1 for each score stored).

    In your win (or scored) events you will need to condition out timesScored=0 TextScore1 set text "Score: "&Score1var... etc

    If you want incremental (highs to lowest) you will need to use conditions prior to displaying to check if score1 is > score2 etc.

    Or for advanced users, store them in an array.. or even dictionary.. or.. many ways..

    Do you know any tutorial that might help me?

    Found this but it's not up to date.

  • Hey everyone.

    I was able to create a score and now I want to have a Layout where the player can see a List of the 10 best scores he has made in the game.

  • Look into arrays (they are basically spreadsheets of data) - https://www.scirra.com/manual/108/array

    You'll want a 10x1x1 array, one spot for each score.

    Upon getting a new score, you can "Push" the new score to the array (now there are 11 values).

    Then "Sort" the array so that they are in order highest to lowest.

    After that, "Delete" the last element in the array so you are left with the 10 highest scores.

    After that, you can display the scores however you wish. A simple single text object example would be as follows-

    Set TextObect text to ""

    Repeat Array.width times - Append "loopindex&" - "&Array.At(loopindex)&newline" to TextObject

    Haven't worked with arrays before and don't udnerstand much after reading the manual. Is there any other tutorial that could help me?

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Member since 17 Sep, 2016

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