Hi this really bug me.
Balance Layout:
challenge text = 1 answer required, =2 ans required, =3 ans requierd
ans text = current answered
LRB text = 1 = make left side heavier
2 = make right side heaiver
3 = balance the seesaw
Objective Group:
1. the bug is in the objective group there are times it adds more than 1 pts to ans.
Memory Layout
Answer Group:
1. There are times when the system is creating an object it does not go to the location I assigned.
2. Question: {"me","you","we"} im not sure about this but is index0="me" index1="you" index2="we" ? then this is the right syntax {"me","you","we"}@random(2) ? because random(2) = 0,1,2 elements becuase the array contains 3 elements.
Im still debugging this but I need to move on on this part.