nimos100's Recent Forum Activity

  • No, I can;t. This would be extremely wasteful and sloppy, to have EVERY possible tile width/height combination PER LAYER tHat a user could possibly choose, all sitting there waiting to be used.

    Why do you "strongly doubt" the feature would be added? It's a very simple feature to add which already exists in the editor? it's only run-time access to edit those two settings that is needed.

    Since im not sure what you are making, I can't say anything regarding your design, so I just trust that you need it

    Why I don't think it will be added, is because I haven't notice any new things really being added to C2 for a long time, except some bug fixes and some more IOS and Windows 10 stuff. And there are lots of people that have suggested features far simpler than yours, that haven't been. So its not because I think your idea is bad, its just that based on the last updates, I just don't see it happening.

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  • Not sure whether a bug or not, but if you add the action 'video-> Play' then it plays ok.

    Yeah I know, but I need it to be paused. That's why the semi workaround with putting in a wait works when autoplay is activated, as it makes it play for 0.2s and then pause it. However it shouldn't be necessary and it is a unreliable solution as it only works sometimes. And besides that, I think its a valid point that since this video object have an visible/invisible setting, it should be made sure that its always visible and then you can just change this option if needed.

    But it seems like the video source is not loaded/updated correctly or something if the video is paused, when the source is set.

  • Problem Description

    Video not showing when loaded and paused.

    Attach a Capx

    Test video:

    Description of Capx

    Press a button and load a video.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    1. Press button to load a video

    The video wont appear.

    2. Activate the wait 0.2 between the set source and the pause and the video appears. However depending on the video loaded, the wait might not solve the problem.

    Observed Result

    After the video is loaded and then paused instantly, it will not appear even though it have been loaded.

    Expected Result

    That the video would show up in the window paused. Since there is a functionality to make the video object invisible, it should by default always be visible.

    ps. Wouldn't post this if there was a viable workaround, but can't seem to find one that is reliable, as it changes based on video loaded. So would be greatly appreciated if this could get into the next update.

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Hi everyone,

    I need to be able to change the tilemaps image used (which I can already do) AND the tile width and tile height settings for the object at run-time.

    I can't find a way to do this. Am I missing something.

    If this feature is not yet supported, can it be added?



    This is not possible and strongly doubt it will be added.

    But can't you just use multiple tilemap with different height and width?

  • So, I made a game where you put your cursor is over a sprite, that one moves out of the screen and a new one goes where the old one was.

    Well,it works, but then it just stays like that for the whole game.

    So,in the event sheet, I put Else and then the reversed thing.

    But then,it just flashes uncontrollably.

    Is there a better way to do this or if not,can I fix the flashing?

    Can you post a screenshot of the your code?

  • Hello guys,

    First of all, sorry about my english. I know it's very poor but i hope that you can understand my problem.

    Well, i'm actually working on a RPG project, but it's a little bit different from the usual, like action RPG or JRPG.

    So i'm thinking to use a lot of enemies with different sprites and stats, so i chose to use the "family" function, because using the family function i can create instances/variables for all my enemies, for example: Name, Strenght, Defense, Magic Attack, HP... And all of these variables are linked to enemy objects.

    Now i'm trying to "spawn" a particular enemy from this family, however i don't know how to do this action... Is there any way to do this? For example:

    Family: Enemies

    Member: 1) Zombie

    Member: 2) Ghost

    Member: 3) Wolf

    And i want to spawn a Ghost using the family's instances.

    How can i do this?

    When i try to summon an enemy the result is always random.

    Thank you.


    You have two options to do this. First one is a plugin (as far as I remember) that allow you to do this. However can't remember the name, but maybe someone can?

    The other one which is the one I normally use, is to simply spawn the object that you added to the family. For instant:

    Object Zombie
    Object Ghost
    Both of these are in the family Enemy
    These object have the same UID whether you refer to them through the family or as individually objects. So you can select them both using the same UID, which also means that you can spawn an individual object and still select it through the family. However you still have to respect the picking rules which are very important or you will run into problems. But to explain them, as they are fairly simple:
    Create Zombie
    --> Enemy.HP = 100
    //This is not valid even though Zombie is part of family Enemy it is still a Zombie object. So in this case you would set all Enemy.HP = 100. So you always have to distinguish between Family objects and individual objects. 
    Create Zombie
    --> Zombie.HP = 100
    //This is the correct way to do it. As you create the Zombie you automatically pick it. So setting Zombie.HP = 100 will only set it for this Zombie object.
    Since Zombie is still part of the family, you can still "convert" a pick of a zombie into a Family pick, or what to call it. Which you can do like this:
    Pick Zombie.HP = 100
    For each Zombie
    Pick Enemy.UiD = Zombie.UID
    <Do something>
    //Since you start by picking all zombie which have 100 HP, you can pick the corresponding Family object by throwing in a For each and then pick the Enemy.UID = Zombie.UID as these are shared. 
    Hope that helps.
  • Couldn't u define the obstacles for each sprite?

    No that's the problem there are only one obstacle map.

  • Hey,

    I was thinking about conversation in this topic. Friend encouraged me to continue a certain project I was affraid of finishing (quite personal and you want to have those working perfectly ). Thanks to your posts and Ro0j's help i got from him throughout the years, I decided to limit using plugins and do as much possible with events. So far it seams to work better then with plugins. But I'd like to ask you if you could explain this math formula to me, what exactly does it do?


    glerikud I think move too should also be an action. Overall there should be more target action, as well as option to pin to image points. More actions is something I'm thinking often about too.

    Btw, does every tick: set position to img point is as efficient as PinTo?

    The formula is to calculate the position of an object(position) based on an angle and distance and the starting point (X,Y) of another object(position)

    Position written next to the objects are from the editor, just so you can see there placement there.

    Regarding the every tick and pin to. Im pretty sure its the same. There might be a different to when the position change takes place. As the pin to might happen during the first period of a tick, where as a every tick might happen depending on where you put it in the code. But resource wise I don't think there is any different, not 100% sure but close enough that I wouldn't bother about it

  • Hi everyone.

    I'm working on a program that will let users create and edit data files. What's my best option for easy data management within the file (setting and retrieving numbers or strings for specific variable names like "X POSITION=144" etc.)

    I've used INI files in the past, which would be perfect for my needs. Is there any equivalent for C2 that would work well with NodeWebkit?



    You can make it load a text file where you could read the data from using NWjs or the XML object might work as well.

  • If I have a weapon or item attached to a character/sprite and the sprite gets destroyed how do I destroy the item?

    Picking nearest seems to cause problems, and if hitting object or overlapping object wont work because it could be overlapping another sprites item who isn't destroyed.

    You see my conundrum?

    What method do you guys use?

    Since the weapon is a separate sprite and its "link" to a specific character, you can store the Character.UID in the item as a variable. So when your Item or Character gets destroyed. You can pick both the Item or Character based on this:

    The two items:
    Item object
    Character_UID = 100 (Stored character UID)
    Character object
    UID = 100
    When Item is destroyed:
    Item on destroyed
    Pick Character.UID = Item.Character_UID
    <Do something>
    When Character is destroyed:
    Character on destroyed
    Pick Item.Character_UID = Character.UID
    <Do something>
  • >

    > Im pretty sure that DF uses some sort of layers, so you could do that as well instead of layouts. And you just hide and show layers depending on what level you are on.


    Thanks for the reply

    I've tried to make the game using layers but there is another problem.

    If I create an object eg. kitchen (solid object) to level 1, the dwarves who are at level 0 (that is, one level up) does not pass through the same area that is occupied by the object kitchen on level 1.

    Should it object kitchen (solid) was an obstacle to the path of the dwarves only in layer 1 (level 1).

    It's possible ?

    Yeah, unfortunately this is not possible, because you are going to run into the single collision mesh problem. Which is not something you can fix, as its part of C2, but its a known problem and pretty sure it will be fixed in C3, because it would cause a riot if it ain't, I think

    This is an old post regarding this problem, which ended in a bug report and in the single collision mesh explanation. But its some time since I used the path finding behaviour, but guess the problem I illustrate here is the same you are facing.

    And in general or as an advise, if you are planning on using the path finding behaviour in its current state, you really have to design your game around its limitation, meaning don't begin by making menus, nice graphics etc. Test the path finding and that it can do exactly what you need it to, because if you think you can "design" your way out of it, its simply not possible, so that my best advice, make sure that it can do exactly what you need before starting a project or you will most likely end up dropping it, or having to design your game around it later on, so might as well do it from the start . But its the main reason I personally don't use it, because it simply can't do what I want it to.

  • > Ashley ,

    > Is it possible to mark where an instance was created, then skip every event until it gets back to the place is was originally? That way it would have the instances updated, but nothing will have changed, so it can then continue with the new instance. I would imagine that skipping everything would be quicker than having everything check the lists.


    Why do you need to pick just created instance?

    An example is If you have to spawn an object based on some value of another newly created object and you then have to use those information for something else. But there are several places where this can cause problems, that are not that easy to give examples of. So guess its just as much this way of creating objects that, if it could be changed would be nice for C2/3, as it would make it easier to use, but also potential problems that you will have to workaround could be removed.

    But if you look at my example on one of the other pages, it shows how it occurs and what problems it causes. But since that is a very simple example, it can become a bigger problem in larger projects, where you might have thrown in waits etc. But in general, at least when I design my projects I always try as best as I can to avoid having to solve things with waits. But in some cases its just not always possible in my experience. But its very difficult for me at least, to troubleshoot or even post my projects on the forum, because they are rarely less than 2-3000+ events so I don't expect anyone to care looking through the code trying to troubleshoot. But also its very difficult to recreate something that occurs at some point during such a huge project. So even picking out a part of where the problem occurs and trying to recreate it in an example to be posted on the forum, its very likely that it wouldn't reflect the actually problem in a correct way.

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