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  • I fixed this by adding a GeiserCollision sprite without opasity, and I changed the scaling when the particles turn on or off. Here is a screenshot of how I fixed it:

    But i still want to know how I can do it the way I first came up with since I probably need it in the future.

    blackhornet, I don't really know how I should do that. Could you write a little example please?

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  • Hello people,

    I'm currently on day 1 of a 3 day game jam, and I have a little problem with the event sheet.

    I have a system where you loose one Cookie (point) when you hit something. I have a geiser, which will trigger the code when the player hits it And the geiser is on. But the same system also has to work when the player hits other enemies. In the screenshot linked below you can see the part of the eventshet I'm talking about.

    What I want is:

    On collision with Particles


    is GeiserOn


    On collision with Enemy1

    Is there any way to make this happen? Not only is this useful here, but I can use that information in later projects too. I have ways of changing my sheet to make this possible (turning the collision box on and off) but I mostly want to know how I can do this in my initial way since it looks like something I'll encounter again very soon.

    Thanks in advance! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

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Member since 6 Sep, 2016

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