I wrote a method for cr.rect class (in edittime.js):
cr.rect.prototype.height = function () { return Math.abs(this.top - this.bottom) }[/code:2jj9qpq9] But I can't access this method from result of [i]instance.GetBoundingRect()[i] I wrote this test code: [code:2jj9qpq9]var x = 0; IDEInstance.prototype.Draw = function(renderer) { var rect = this.instance.GetBoundingRect() if (x == 0) { alert(rect instanceof cr.rect); x = 1; } }[/code:2jj9qpq9] And it alerted false while in documentation is written: [quote:2jj9qpq9]instance.GetBoundingRect() Return a cr.rect object specifying the object's axis-aligned bounding rectangle.
Version 1.2 released!
Change Log:
[BugFix] This version is compatible with google closure compiler, So you can use it in minify mode too.
[Performance] In this release you can download big files too.
Download release 1.2:
http://sabereen.github.io/Construct2-Pl ... er/ndl.zip
This problem was one of the NW.js 0.13 alpha7 issues.
For more information see here.
I haven't tested this plugin with NW.js v0.13, I have tested it only with version 0.12.
If God wills, I will test it and solve the problem.
Node Downloader
Node Downloader is a plugin for Construct 2 that allows you to download a file from a URL and save it in the player's PC.
<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_exclaim.gif" alt=":!:" title="Exclamation"> Node Downloader only works with NW.js (and Electron).
For more information and download this plugin, please visit github repo:
https://github.com/sabereen/Construct2- ... Downloader
I can't post a new topic in "completed addons" section.
After I clicked on "submit" button, I redirected to a page that says:
[quote:2dd544ff]The requested topic does not exist
While in the last post section, it exists but not working.
In the name of Allah
This is my Construct-based website in Persian (Farsi):
And its community:
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
This is a big problem for middle eastern languages. <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
Please remedy it.
Hello, As you know Persian and Arabic languages are written from right to left instead of left to right.
I want to translate a tutorial into Persian but there's not 'Align to right' option. Please Add this feature.
For example see this image:
Member since 16 Sep, 2012