I made a very simple slingshot game to learn Construct2, but when the projectile is released, usually the projectile just drops straight down (as if Bird.Physics.VelocityX and VelocityY were set to 0). I would be posting in a different group to figure out what I had done wrong except that a different, similar program written by someone else exhibits the same behavior; a lot of the time, the projectile just falls straight down out of the slingshot. But, there does seem to be some kind of difference because the projectile falls out of the other person's slingshot maybe half of the time whereas my projectile falls down most of the time.
To try to debug, I added a text box that is set to str(Bird.Physics.VelocityX) just after the Bird's VelocityX is set. Strangely, it always displays correctly (a number between 0 and 600), but the Bird often just drops (as if Bird.Physics.VelocityX is 0). How can the bird possibly fall straight down when I've verified that its Physics.VelocityX is large? My only conclusion is that this must be a bug in Construct2 that sets Physics.VelocityX to 0 after the event.
I'm using release 103.2 64-bit (downloaded yesterday) free version, rendering with OpenGL 4.1.10750 on an ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (shader language 4.10). The file for this project is here. To reproduce, simply click and drag the character backwards and down, and then release. Repeat 10-15 times to see how often the problem occurs.