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  • Jeanimator Sorry for the later response, i send you a PM

  • Souki You succeeded with that?

    Only for some time, but don't permanent... i don't have success

  • Awesome work

    know you any game realeased with this plugin?

  • Ashley maybe in a Update, we can have this complement?

  • As stated above, C2 is a html5 game engine..

    Html5 will allways have to be run in some sort of webbrowser like environment..

    If you want to create an app like you say, you should look into creating a native app that can work without a wrapper..

    There isn't another answer to your question.

    You won't be able to create this app with Construct2..

    i see some examples, and made it one on with phonegap (html + js) and work with a cordova plugin.

    But i can't add it very well with construct2. So, yes the app can run in background, but im still working in how add this plugin with C2.

  • up?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • maybe creating an apk with another method and don't with crosswalk ?


  • Browsers effectively suspend inactive tabs already, to save battery power. It's not a good idea to try to override that.

    How are you planning on accessing pedometer information from HTML5? That's not a hardware feature exposed to Javascript yet as far as I know. This is one of the few things where a native app really may be more appropriate - modern phones have special hardware to measure steps in low-power mode and native tech is better for accessing that.

    don't need to be accurated, but i need to count steps, imagine something like a "virtual pet"... but is neccesary to count steps or the movement in backgroud...

  • but if the app is in pause is difficult to simulate something like that... because if you calculate with time, you can't know how much time the cellphone move, and how much time stoped in this range of time.

  • I need the app continue running, because is a pedometer (with another functions), i need the app count walking steps.

    any idea Ashley ??

  • guys i need a help to run an app in background, im made a pedometer, but i need the app run when you block the phone...

    im stuck like a month in this.

    I search in the forum, but i can't find something usefull.

    some idea IntelRobert

  • is it possible, but i don't know how

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Member since 8 Sep, 2012

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