Did you put the name of your script into "Script files" property in the plugin's prperties pane?
Also try installing the last plugin version, I updated it recently.
Note that this plugin only works with the project properties:
Use worker: No
This plugin was introduced when "default scripting" did not exist. If you're using "default scripting" now, then you probably don't need this plugin.
When you say "it'll say to restart C2, I do and the plugin doesn't appear in my "Add Event" window", do you mean that before trying to "Add event" you add an object of plugin's type to the project first? You do that, right?
Just checked it. Works for me. Make sure both files are included in the project and you're using the right filenames. Like, that you're not using UPPER case characters in their names for example
"Writing" your javascript code isn't one of the plugin's functionalities. You use this plugin to include javascript files that are already written.
The documentation says "To play audio from URL, change the file name in the project bar to the full URL. Then Play it using built-in Audio plugin's ACE's". If you read it, how can you still have no idea how to add the url? Did you do exactly that? Did it work? If it didn't, were there any errors in the console?
Did you read the documentation? valerypopoff.ru/construct/audio-from-url-plugin
Are there any errors in the console?
I see. In the meantime you can control spawn layer and coordinates yourself by loping through all the Layouter's cells and spawning an object based on the current cell's coordinates.
Say you need to spawn objects using image point number 1 as reference. To do so you want to use system "For" condition and set start and end loop indexes like:
start: 0
end: ValeryppoffLayouter.getCellsNumber-1
Then inside of the loop you want to spawn an object to the coordinates:
x: ValeryppoffLayouter.getCellX(loopindex) + (Sprite.X - Sprite.ImagePointX(1))
y: ValeryppoffLayouter.getCellY(loopindex) + (Sprite.Y - Sprite.ImagePointY(1))
So the answer to your initial question is actually "yes".
As far as I know — no
No. It is not needed to use JavaScript in C3
You decide
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand. Did you see the manual? valerypopoff.ru/construct/js-plugin
Yep. Guess who posted this idea)
Fixed in v.0.7.1
Member since 7 Aug, 2016