XandFernandes's Recent Forum Activity

  • I keep trying. haha


    It's a great idea, but if the own game map shows the pokestops and gymnasiums, because another app?

    Reproduce the maximum similar to the PoGo is really a challenge.

    Rex googlemap I've looked and can be useful.


    I think if we keep the ideas and testings here this topic can be well organized and easy

    I was working on it yesterday, I put an idea into practice but did not get much success, see ..

    I Used the QR Code Decoder of Pode to read and create 3D sprites on the screen, so when the camera find the code for each pokemon the sprite be activated. also thought about use the OBJ file loader puglin for 3D models

    But there are problems hahaha qr code does func if the QR code is far, crooked, little visible or rotated, and would not make logic go out placing QR codes everywhere and Webcam c2 is not the phone's camera.

    so I thought about use the street view from Google Maps to make a 360 panorama with the street view and the model 3d above. what u think?


    sorry for this english. ;D

  • NetOne

    Just on pc bro


    Yes, mode7 is awesome


    I really think it's possible , I want to make a game based on the PoGo based system but different

    About geolocation , I was testing Google Maps for map and street view for the " AR " , but did not get much. this is an obstacle

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  • Good evening, this is my first topic and i want to show my attempt to .. hm .. "reproduce" pokemon go.

    (Obviously is just a test)

    The big question here is: Do you think it is possible an app like Pokemon Go be created in C2?

    U Can play te demo HERE: 1estagio.com/PokemonGo

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Member since 6 Aug, 2016

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