I'm Fabian Parente, a self-taught Illustrator deeply passionate about fantasy and art. Since a young age, I've been drawn to the vivid illustrations in role-playing, card, and board games. This led to my dream of becoming an illustrator, and now, after Eight years of freelancing, I'm excited to potentially collaborate with your company.
My portfolio includes work for prominent clients like: Cephalofair, Cubicle7, Chaosium Inc, Renegade Games Studios, Kobold Press and others. I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects, from computer games to movies, while exploring the world.
I believe I'm ready to create compelling images for your company, though I'm also eager to continue learning and growing. I hope you find my work intriguing, and I look forward to discussing potential opportunities.
Fabian Parente
Portfolio: parente.artstation.com
BBG Credits: boardgamegeek.com/boardgameartist/122535/fabian-pare...
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/fabian-parente