Iziwaru's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey community! I couldn't find anywhere where it states if the IAP function for Instant Games was on the developer road map for C3 anywhere, so I figured I'd ask all of you.

    Do any of you have the experience and knowledge required to create this functionality for C3? If so, are you currently working on a plugin for it, or maybe perhaps interested in creating one as a paid service?

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  • So whether I try to export for Android or iOS in C3, I immediately get an error saying this:

    "There are no objects that can replace the object 'Player'.To replace an object, there must be another object that is the same type, and has matching instance variables, behaviors and effects."

    The thing is, I don't have ANY objects or calls to anything with the name "Player" in my project. Anyone else run into this issue or is this just a C3 bug I'm running into?

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Member since 31 Jul, 2016

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