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  • I feel the same, I listened to all the episodes and really enjoyed them. This should be a regular thing (like Coronas 'Corona Geek' video chats).

  • Hi sidneycat

    I sent you a pm as you requested

    I'm still interested in what people have to say. I'm not really looking for a publisher, but someone knowledgable who could help with the app market, for a share of any profits made.

    Do any of you guys have a similar setup, or do you do everything by yourselves?

    Thanks again!

  • Hi guys

    I'm in the process of rebooting my little game-making business. I've had a lot of downtime since Flash and Mochiads went downhill and recently decided how I'd like to proceed in the future.

    Basically, I want to run a website for my own HTML5 games and monetise through sponsorships and advertising. I'm comfortable with this part of the business, and happy to be fully responsible for all the work that needs to be done.

    I do however want to finally start putting some stuff on iOS and Android (a little late I know). I've made almost 40 games over the last few years, and I am looking at porting a bunch of them, as well as making new ones regularly.

    To the point ...

    I've been thinking, that it would be a good idea to find somebody with whom I could share the iOS and Android profits, if they were to do the distribution / promotion etc.

    Obviously I would need to find a knowledgable, trustworthy person who can show me that they can in some way push the apps to make some sort of income.

    Basically, I would make the games - they would do all the iOS and Android stuff, and we would split the profits.

    At the peak of the Flash era, I've a pretty nice following, with good feedback and scores. I want to get back to having fun making games, but I don't have the time or knowledge, on how to market them on iOS and Android.

    Here are a few links to some of my games (most made with Flash - looking to port some of them) ...

    Do you guys have any suggestions / thoughts on this?

    Thank you very much for any feedback!

  • 100% agree with the original post!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Just checked out you game and its'a really cool! I love old school c64 era games, and your game plays very nicely

    I also, checked out your video and although I couldn't understand it, it looked like you guys were having lots of fun!

  • Hi nvbenegra

    I think teams are a good thing, IF you find the right people - which is VERY hard (in my opinion).

    Everyone has their own lives, commitments and motivations. Very rarely will you find a team that wants to follow your dream (or share the same dream), unless they are paid etc.

    I've been working with Flash for a long time, and after its demise, I had a very long downtime trying to find an engine that would suit my needs.

    My partner and I have just had a baby (at Christmas) and like you I want to be efficient with my time. I honestly believe, that if you can (and have the right skills) to work on your own, you can be a little bit more sure about achieving your goal.

    • Maybe try focusing on some simple but fun games, with really basic yet clean art, and juice them to death. This will be very manageable for a one man team.
    • Build a website and put your games on there with advertisements.
    • Sell non-exclusive sponsorships.
    • Sell some templates etc. on the Scirra store.
    • Make simple games for commission (once you have a small portfolio).
    • Convert you games to apps and put them on the stores.
    • Make what you love and you will find your followers / fans.

    Just some ideas

    Hope this helps!

  • Same thing happens to me on iOS.

  • Hi Guys

    Thank you very much for all your help! You guys are awesome

    I've ended up using blackhornet 's suggestion. It works exactly as I need, and with only 2 lines of code.

    1. I give the monster eye a timer behaviour,

    2. On Start of Layout, I start the timer with a random timeout.

    3. On timeout I switch to the blink animation.

    The timer sets up different random number for each instance, which is exactly what I need

    Thank you again!

  • Hi guys

    Just wondering whether anyone could give me any tips on a more concise way to code the snippet in the screen grab attached.

    Thank you very much in advance for any help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ... n.jpg?dl=0

  • I like the first one. Also, I really like the other characters in the same style

  • Hi Ashley

    Basically, I've read some posts on the forum claiming that the reduplication wasn't happening when cloning objects. The posts said that you were left with duplicates of the same image. After reading the article, I was a little bit confused whether I was understanding it right.

    After doing the export as newt suggested, I've looked inside the image folder, and it looks like it I understood the article correctly. De-duplication occurs on all sprites, even clones

    Thank you for your help!

  • I found the link detailing this topic, and after reading it again, I still understand it as - 2 different objects using the same images, will be de-duplicated.

    Could anyone please shed some light on this?

    Ashley maybe

    Thank you!

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