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  • This topic should be viewed AND shared by all indie game dev.

    I find the game, Creepy Majong, a rather niche game tho. I don't know Majong at all so unless there are some serious sexy anime waifu involve, high chance I'll over look it.

    Despite that the fact that 0 sales on that amount of reach is very disheartening. Maybe it's targeting. Maybe it's just bad luck. This is something indie dev don't have knowledge base to work on. We need to share our ads result so all of us can use this discovery in our future projects.

    Much appreciate, Biim. Much much appreciated.

  • I don't have much time, so try this.

    Goal = Get your player to interact with the right item.

    Easy way =

    1. Add 1 invisible sprite. 1 pixel collision.

    2. Pin that invisible sprite to player front with some spacing. Once player turns, that pinned sprite should remain in front. This will simplify your code. no need for directional offset.

    3. If it is single player, add local var to player obj called interaction_target or something. When invisible sprite overlap something interactable, set its uid to player's interaction target. If you have many overlapping stuff, pick top.

    4. When talk is called, send UID. Check again if that UID can be talked to. If true, display msg.

    Complex way = Ain't anyone got time for that~ Let's make it simple

    Maybe depends on your target customer?

    I think a mobile app is better if your target may go without connection from time to time. Website is good if they can keep the connection. Though, if my memory serves I think Google has that policy on not allow an app that simply shows a website in their store.

  • It shows the error "Not have permission" when I try to save. Neither save as a single file nor as a project works. All result in the same permission error. I'm pretty sure I've set every permission to allow for every user by now. Since I use windows store version, I don't have an option to run as admin. I also disable popup blocker on chrome with no effect. The web version works but the Win10 from store version does not. I want to use the store version because I want to save as a project (not as a single file)

    Anyone had this error before? Please help.

    I did not post this as a bug. I think it is more likely because I did or set something wrong.

  • Ok. Thank you.

    I realize that if I add a lot of animations and not use it, the memory is still consumed. I will have to optimize my game big time as I use one sprite for foliage and has a lot of animation in it (like sharpLeaf, fatLeaf, etc.) This way every leaf I add, the memory is consumed for all the leaf animations in that sprite. So, the memory is used for the fatleaf even when the entire map doesn't have a fatLeaf in it.

    No doubt my memory consumption is high :(

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  • I'm worried about resource consumption on mobile. My game has a layout that a specific set of sprites is shown. Each sprite has a randomly selected appearance. How should I go with it?

    A) I put sprites on the positions. Each contains many animations. Upon the start of the layout, I randomly select the animation for each one of them.

    B) I put markers on the positions. Upon the start of the layout, I randomly create a sprite object with only 1 animation over the marker.

    Which is more memory efficient for C3?

    Much appreciated. I really like taking apps from the store.

  • Is there a way to edit XML file imported to construct 3 with an external editor? In C2, I use Visual Studio Code which can do Emmet. It also helps close tags. This makes editing so easy. C3, however, has me edit XML in the browser and it isn't as convenient.

    Right now, I copy the code from the browser -> Code. Edit it. CTRL+A and CTRL+V back into the browser. Is there a more direct way to do it?

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