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  • Oh, and when I say the non active vehicles need to stay put... I mean they can be left anywhere on any layout in the game that they can get to.

  • If you don't understand the question you could ask questions to clarify. Otherwise you're just throwing out guesses at answers to possible questions. No offense intended. I just don't know how to respond to what you said in another way.

    There are several main characters and you can only use 1 at a time. All others who aren't being used at the time have to stay put. Its a game where there's a human who builds and gets in vehicles to drive around and do things in the game. The vehicles can be modified and there are a bunch of variables that change with each vehicle, and there can be multiple examples of the same Vehicle model.

    Anyway, I solved this by making the human player Global and all the vehicles persistent.

    If Human player is "active" it just works with the global characteristic.

    If a vehicle is active there is no human in the layout. When vehicle gets to edge of layout the vehicle spawns the global human on its position and layer then fills in a bunch of variable the global human has to record type of vehicle, HP, what accessories are one it, etc. Global human crosses into next layout and if he's not set as "active" he spawns all the stuff in his variables, pins what needs to be pinned, destroys self, and a split second later it looks like the robot just walked across layouts while all non used robots stay put.

  • Sorry if this is in the forum somewhere. I can't seem to find an answer.

    I have several main characters that can be controlled. Several of them are comprised of more than 1 object

    (like a tank and a turret). Its important for the non controlled characters to stay where they are so I'm applying "persistent" to them.

    To make it so they can move to another layout I'm applying "Global" to them.

    So... is there a relatively simple way to make it so only the character who is "active" (and their "accessory" go to the next layout, and have the rest of the playable characters stay put?

    -a few complicated solutions...

    1. Make secondary "characters" for all the playable characters that are place holders and not "global" and when using one it destroys and spawns the actual Global character.

    2. Mark all playable characters upon exit from layout and destroy them in the next layout.

    3. Only make things "persistent", and not global. Then manually copy, destroy, and respawn whichever character is being used when changing layout including all variables.

  • I just upgraded to 155, and my game was dragging a lot. ....down to 8fps. Its a real time RPG with lots of objects. I noticed the Draw Calls was 90%. :-P I enabled WebGL, and poof! 50+ fps. Its running better than ever. (I don't remember why I had webGL off before).

  • Personally, I wouldn't mind at all if the persistent layouts didn't save when you save game, and exit. ...if they stay persistent while a person is actually playing, that would be good enough for what I'm working on. :-)

    I figure as long as I manually save the important things, no one will care if the piece of wire they left lying on the ground out in the forest disappears.

  • Argh! Images not showing up. I hope this is answered somewhere else too. ...trying to figure out how to make pick nth instance work.

  • Hmm.... I'm looking to do something similar. I have a "machine" that makes objects for you. I want to make a family for those objects, and have every object that "IsBuildable" to pop up on the screen for the user to choose. I need to look into how people are doing inventories. :-P

  • Ya, I'm finding the same thing. Its causing me a massive headache! I need an object to follow the screen but still collide. augh! ...can't pin it to character because they change, and don't always stay centered... can't pin to something on my HUD because it doesn't work. There must be some way around this. Argh... off to search the forums.

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  • Persistent layouts is the thing I most want to see too. I'm considering putting a lot of work into doing it, but if there's a chance construct2 will be getting that feature, I'll hold off.

    ...and in the meantime I'll try to send happy persistent layout vibes to the developers. ;-)

  • Sweet! Just what I was looking for. Thanks!

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