Hello KaioGamesDev, how are you?
Normally they send an image together in the notification email, at the given URL or Google Play Console.
"Ads or offers for in-app purchases that aren't clearly distinguishable from your app content, including but not limited to offeringwalls and immersive ads experiences. For example, your app contains an ad that isn't clearly labeled, or your app contains an ad that's stylistically similar to the game interface."
Possible causes of this problem are:
- Interactive ads. But if you just AdMob and put a G rating you won't have this problem, the app will pull appropriate advertisements.
-If it's a banner, try to make it not look like the game content.
- You are possibly showing the ad after the user clicks a button (which is normal) and are conveying the idea of continuity of the game. A tip to make it clear to the user that you are leaving your game to show an ad would be to take them to a black screen with a circular progress bar for about 2 seconds and then show the ad.
Look at Google's own content. He is quite rich. Search for example: interstitial ads best practices google.
I hope that by reading this your problem has already been resolved.