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  • Sprite.Count >= 2 will always be true after a while in your code.

    Something you wanted something like this:

    But I was also confused because in my head the correct one would be spriteCount >= 3.

  • Hi Magtir, how are you?

    I particularly like this old link:


    As in programming in general, there are countless solutions to the same problem. Some more elegant, others uglier.

    Knowing your own problem is the beginning of finding a solution.

    For example, in my game, I have no parallax and the screen doesn't move. This made it easy for me to have a simple setup and be responsive across any device dimension. With the option "Hide status bars" enable.

    My solution was the following:

    I made the layout with 1800x1000 with the game in the center at 1280x720. Fullscreen mode: Scale outer. "Orientations": Landscape. This way it will be responsive to multiple screens.

    See the image:

    The black rectangle does not appear at run time, it is just to help me position the objects in the layout.

    Then I just put this script at startup:

    As the layout is 1800x1000, leaving it centered at 900x500 will leave the screen in the middle.

    Use the browser's toggle device toolbar to help you see what the game will look like across multiple screens.


  • Hello again,

    I was already waiting for you to return with this error.

    In Apps for children (Where you don't want tracking) you need to add <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools: node="remove"/> in AndroidManifest.xml.

    It's even easy for someone with time to implement a plugin for this task, but you can do this process by exporting to Android Studio. By exporting you have the advantage of removing <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> which is added by default in cordova and which your App possibly does not use.

    Take a look at this other topic, I posted some images there, making it easier.


    I hope it helps. Then let me know if you succeeded.

  • Hello KaioGamesDev, how are you?

    Normally they send an image together in the notification email, at the given URL or Google Play Console.


    "Ads or offers for in-app purchases that aren't clearly distinguishable from your app content, including but not limited to offeringwalls and immersive ads experiences. For example, your app contains an ad that isn't clearly labeled, or your app contains an ad that's stylistically similar to the game interface."

    Possible causes of this problem are:

    - Interactive ads. But if you just AdMob and put a G rating you won't have this problem, the app will pull appropriate advertisements.

    -If it's a banner, try to make it not look like the game content.

    - You are possibly showing the ad after the user clicks a button (which is normal) and are conveying the idea of continuity of the game. A tip to make it clear to the user that you are leaving your game to show an ad would be to take them to a black screen with a circular progress bar for about 2 seconds and then show the ad.

    Look at Google's own content. He is quite rich. Search for example: interstitial ads best practices google.

    I hope that by reading this your problem has already been resolved.

  • Hello Are you okay?

    How do you integrate poki into construct 3?

    Does it import javascript? sdk.poki.com/html5.html

    Use a plugin? github.com/erenertugrul/poki

  • I also like the Tween Behavior, but the Fade Behavior manages to do what you want. The problem is that you are using restart. The restart on Fade will redo the last fade that occurred, regardless of the parameters you changed.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hey how's it going?

    I didn't take into account that detail where I use Windows and you MacOS?

    You can view folders on MacOs as follows:


    But there's an easier way. I installed Android Studio on a machine to track the error.

    As you can see the error in my case. He recommends installing version 33.0.2. If your error is different, post here.

    In my case, I simply go to settings and install the recommended version.

    After installation, I do a new sync and everything works.

    I recognize that it is quite boring, learning all this for someone who just wanted a simple tool like cosntruct3, but they are important things and will be useful in your next projects. Once you learn it, everything will be very easy.

  • Update your Android Studio or download the latest version.

    With the project closed, delete the .idea folders and the .gradle folder.

    When you open your project again everything will be fine.

    Android Studio needs to run gradle for everything to work.

  • Go to the menu Build -> Generate Signed Bundle

    Check Android App Bundle -> Next

    Put the key data. I uncheck the "Export encrypted key..." option. -> Next

    Choose release -> Compile

  • Normally I export to Android Studio project. I open the manifest in Android Studio, delete <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> and add <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools: node="remove"/>

    I don't understand why even without checking "Require External storage write permission" in the export, it keeps putting that permission. Does it work correctly in "Signed Android App Bundle" export?

    It would be nice if there was an option in the export to remove "com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID''. It's also easy to make a plugin for that.

  • Hey is everything good with you?

    You can preview by going to the Google Play Console.

    Policy Status -> On the issue, click View Details -> Click Check Affected App Packages.

    I hope it helps. Good luck.

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