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  • Hello,

    When changing the layer angle, actions interacting w/ the X & Y coordinates seem to hold their original position as if the layer angle was still set to default. For example, if i had a bullet shoot an angle towards mouse.x & mouse.y, the bullet will not travel towards the pointer if the layer angle was not set to the default angle. Here's is an quick example; holding the mouse over the target while not on the pole will not cause the bullet to travel to the target: ... sp=sharing

    How do i make it so the bullet always travels toward the mouse point while any layer angle?

  • It seems most gravity based platformers run into a common obstacle: maintaining smooth motion w/ changes to the angle of gravity. If you're not familiar, you have the option to adjust the angle of gravity for your player performing platform based motions. For example, i may want to adjust the gravity angle upwards (-90/270 deg.) if my player fancies walking on the ceiling, whereas the traditional is preset downward (90 deg.), the floor. Simple enough, well here's the catch: however we may choose to turn that angle of gravity, at that point, the gravity is altered, and the relative speed of the player is altered to match the new change in gravity. For example, i program the angle of gravity to flip 180 deg. when a player gets close enough to the ceiling so he may walk on it, but the results are a rebound effect; this is b/c of the jump speed (& direction w/ the angle) being carried over after the new change in gravity has taken effect.

    We have figured out that adjusting the Y vector, along w/ a few other actions, solve this problem. However, the motions are choppy w/ platforms that are approached at an angle adjustment other than 180, or varying gravitational values based on distance.

    This may be difficult to grasp, but if you have ever made a serious attempt at a grav. based platformer, you have most likely encountered this issue. May we introduce a platform behavior option to maintain the same motion when the angle of gravity is adjusted?

  • Try using the "Pick instance by UID" condition, the value being "[sprite].count -1". This should select the newest instance. You could also try comparing the distance to the player & picking the instance w/ the lowest distance.

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  • Thanks to all who viewed. Solved by inverting the Y vector.

  • Hello,

    So i was hoping someone could help me w/ some gravity angle issues.

    I have it so that when a platform behavior sprite jumps from one wall to another wall of a different angle of orientation, when the sprite gets close enough to the new wall, the angle of gravity changes so the sprite will land on the wall it was jumping to. (kinda like if i wanted a player to jump from the floor to the ceiling)

    My issue here is when the sprite reaches a close enough distance to the wall to change its angle of gravity, when it does change the gravity angle, the speed of the sprite is retained & immediately changes the direction of the sprite away form the wall.

    Here is an example:

    Thoughts & comments on this are much appreciated, i'm sure many others are having this issues w/ this.

  • Hello,

    So i was hoping someone could help me w/ some gravity angle issues.

    I have it so that when a platform behavior sprite jumps from one wall to another wall of a different angle of orientation, when the sprite gets close enough to the new wall, the angle of gravity changes so the sprite will land on the wall it was jumping to. (kinda like if i wanted a player to jump from the floor to the ceiling)

    My issue here is when the sprite reaches a close enough distance to the wall to change its angle of gravity, when it does change the gravity angle, the speed of the sprite is retained & immediately changes the direction of the sprite away form the wall.

    Here is an example:

    Thoughts & comments on this are much appreciated, i'm sure many others are having this issues w/ this.

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