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  • i understand hosting multiple peers and starting a game w/ everyone connected & playing together. however is there any tips out there about syncing peers into groups?

    for example if 8 peers joined a room for the game "pong" (w/ a dedicated server acting as host). but when the game starts each peer is paired up & have there own game, totaling 4 games of pong. Then pretend this is repeated 7 times so every peer gets a chance to play the other peers in the room.

    i have the language set up for assigning peers their next opponent though IDs over multiple rounds, however i am stumped on syncing only one peer to another w/o the others interfering.

    i hope this was clear, & thanks for the help. i will continue studying the examples & post a solution if i come across one

  • thanks for the comments. i experimented w/ individual timers using instance variables but felt like there just had to of been a better way of going about it. perhaps its the only way.

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  • say you have a sprite w/ the turret behavior & you want it shooting its fire rate no matter what; without targets, while rotating, nothing in range, ect.

    creating a "fake" shooting behavior using system events is difficult. this causes multiples of the same turret to all fire simultaneously, not independent of their own firing rate.



  • this looks good. thanks for the reply.

  • say there is an event that must compare values on multiple array cells in say a 5 x 5 area in a for each X&Y loop.

    for example, if I wanted to compare all cells in a 5 x 5 area to be equal to 0. The first thing that comes to mind is:

    for each XY element:

    compare at XY X: array.curX Y: array.curY Value = 0

    compare at XY X: array.curX + 1 Y: array.curY Value = 0

    compare at XY X: array.curX + 2 Y: array.curY Value = 0

    compare at XY X: array.curX + 3 Y: array.curY Value = 0

    compare at XY X: array.curX + 4 Y: array.curY Value = 0

    compare at XY X: array.curX Y: array.curY + 1 Value = 0

    compare at XY X: array.curX + 1 Y: array.curY + 1 Value = 0

    ... & so on until compare at XY X: array.curX + 4 Y: array.curY + 4 Value = 0

    -----> [action]

    this would work, but it's awfully spacious. Any thoughts on applying some form of math or technique to shorten this but still be able to check all 25 conditions?

    Hope this was clear enough, much appreciated.

  • How do I immediately place "canvas snapshot" .jpg into hard drive folder?

  • How do I compare two strings in an expression?

    more specifically use the conditional operator inside an expression; for example: textBox.text [is equal to] "" ? [do some action] : [do some other action].


  • awesome, thanks.

  • Maybe use the "compare two values" condition. Something like

    condition: [sprite].AnimationName = "Machine Gun"

    ---> action: set your fire rate to a number

  • There are several expressions that look animations. Use the "AnimationName" expression to return the Name of the current animation your gun object is using.

    ex. "someObject.AnimationName"

  • After downloading an array in JSON format, the "load" action cannot read exactly what was downloaded b/c of several issues w/ the JSON. How do I manipulate the JSON so it may be loaded & read properly?

  • Hello,

    Is there any way to have an object using the platform behavior have additional jumps in midair past 1. Such as 3, 5, or infinite jumps w/o touching "solid" ground

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