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  • Hello,

    I was not sure where to put that post... Sorry if it's not in the right place.

    My problem is :

    My game was fine until recently, some of the layer in the layouts are not displayed correctly. One of my layer has a Vignette effect + a multiply effect, but now it just turns black.

    Also, some sprites contained in a container are not created anymore.

    All this issues happens when I launch a preview (Chrome, IE, Node Webkit), but when I export the project in Node Webkit exe, it's fine.

    My Construct 2 version is R148

    The only change I did was to add some animations frames in some sprites.

    Is this related ? Maybe it's a memory issue ?

    Any idea ?


  • I also have the same problem on the Internet Explorer, (loading bar stuck), with the Monster example file.

    I'm using r136.

    latest spriter beta (b3)

    and the latest spriter plugin for construct 2

    Will send you the capx. Thanks for the answer :)

  • I have a problem trying to integrate a spriter animation.

    I always get the "getelementsbytagname" error pop-up.

    When I click continue, the animation is playing correctly, but this pop up error is quite annoying.

    when I try to play with my Ipad browser, the loading bar is stuck.

  • thanks, dude !

    I actually did all the artworks, yes.

  • [TUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXHlEl2qC6Y[/TUBE]


  • wow, lots of impressive works here !

    here is a little screenshot of one of the new environment of the game I'm working on.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6215172/hamstarok.png" border="0" />

  • I just found what did cause the problem. It's just me being stupid...

    I was trying to rotate the wrong object actually.

    "set angle" was applied to the wrong object... :(

    Thanks, anyway :) !

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  • After hours of searching, I still can't figure out what's wrong.

    What I'm trying to do :

    Create as many elements as the quantity stored in a dictionnary.

    It looks like the program retrieves the informations from the dictionnary just right, but it only create one object.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6215172/code.png" border="0" />

    thanks in advance for the help !

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Member since 27 Jul, 2012

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