Hi 99instances2Go
Have managed to get to the point here the criteria matches and it leaves the two matching cards open but when closing the unmatched it will just close the second one and not the first as it is not selected , i cannot destroy the card and regenerate it, as it will break the logic for the match, can't pick through pick all , and then try to close the the two open, so the best i could do was it will close all the cards , if they don't match even the one that matches , i am sure there would be a way to do this,but I just can't figure it out , I will really appreciate a push in the right direction, sorry if i have been too much of a pain , but i will improve as i do more of this and will try and learn a bit of programming too.
regards Manoj
one drivehttps://myuhi-my.sharepoint.com/personal/14003913_uhi_ac_uk/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=zUSYAcc2OoFADIkW5pJjk7%2fcgb8dbdavPG50XhCN07A%3d&docid=1629b70a3c18d49abbd51d642c62a630d&expiration=2016-06-22T17%3a10%3a07.000Z