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  • There is other stuff you need to do for wrt to display stuff to make canvas+ happy or else you get black screen or multiple views. But I cant remember and I cant find the info. I haven't used for a while as I am not targeting mobile for now.

    I think you need to allow use high dpi scaling for one and there was another thing possibly need to either use point or linear mapping. its definitely documented somewhere on the cocoon website.

    Have you tried the C3 cloud build?

    it is not canvas+ level of performance however I was very impressed with the performance compared to my experience with past non canvas+ builds and you don't have to worry about any compatibility issues.

    I made an apk of my alpha shmup just to test ythe c3 cloud build, it is full HD res, pushing a few hundred objects with lots of scaling, array look ups and functions and Im getting 40-60 FPS on 2-3 year old midrange phones..... if you are using dt properly anything above 30 fps is playable.

  • There is a cool vid on YouTube by the blizzard programmers responsible for the audio priority engine in Overwatch.

    They are doing it primarily for game play reasons. i.e. priority and attenuation of audio for dangerous enemies close by. Almost total muting of audio that does not convey important information to the player. etc But the same can apply for performance or interference / distortion reasons.

    If I recall they have a number of tags on each audio object , all the sounds are queued into the audio engine. the audio priority engine then decides on a player by player basis what are the most important sounds for that player and then the respective triggers and other data are sent to the client.

    Im sure we could so something similar on a smaller basis for our games.

    i.e. give all the sounds a priority number, que the sounds then play / attenuate only the 4-8 sounds with the highest priority at that time for the player. I will probably try something along these lines.

  • This may be a dumb request / question but I am throwing it out there anyway.

    Its possible that it is possible I just haven't found a way to do it like this.

    Potentially it could be hugely powerful if there was some way to implement it.

    Hypothetical scenario

    I have lots of sprites including multiple instances of an Enemy Character sprite (eg "EnemySprite").

    This "EnemySprite" belongs to two families (eg EnemiesFamily & MovingObjectsFamily)

    each family confers a number of instance variables (IVs)

    for example EnemiesFamily has an IV "FoundPlayer"

    and MovingObjectsFamily has IV "IsMoving"

    Now what I would like to do is select by family through family IVs


    Event> EnemiesFamily where FoundPlayer=1

    Then SubEvent MovingObjectsFamily where IsMoving = 1

    The result would be that the set of objects (in this case the EnemySprites) would be picked that only exists across both these families and satisfy the IV values form each family (eg. FoundPlayer=1(from EnemiesFamily) and IsMoving = 1 (MovingObjectsFamily).

    I know I can pick objects from a family using family IVs

    and I know I can do this on an individual sprite basis as I have access to all the parent family IV.

    But as far as I can see

    I cannot do this referencing families directly and picking across families through family IVs.

    I have directly solved the problem in my game by combining the families into 1 but I would have rather not have had to do this.

    Scirra possible something like this could be made work?

  • Hard to say without seeing a capx but it sound like u need to use "for each" sprite veg =1 trigger once sprite spawn veg

  • 99Instances2Go

    it's ok man, I hold no pride in this forum, im here to learn (and help if I can)...

    so please continue....

    your point being...? ...that you can use wait 0 between the sub events in your first example to make it "work" ?

  • For those who don't like subscriptions, but demand console export: ... ts-out-now

    Wow, put things in perspective....

  • Ok, good explanation, I get it.

    Thanks for taking the time.

    Sure shows the flexibility of C2/3.

    That second example is very interesting and seemingly efficient.

    I tend towards dividing code into small chunks and using functions where possible, which is probably why I haven't had the need to use wait 0.


  • Just for my own understanding... (because I keep seeing this subject pop up and I never understand it)

    I am quite deep into my project,

    must be 600 events in total now,

    In game I am creating dozens of enemies and in subsequent events or sub events I am changing their instance variables, positions and pinning stuff to them etc at the point of creation. and as far as I can see everything is working well and smoothly. I have never ever needed to use wait 0 seconds for a anything, I don't even know why or when I would need to use it, it sounds like a hack, could someone enlighten me?

  • WRT to the first "not working" one.

    You are not pick/ using anything at the click trigger event

    C2 goes on to process the two individual sub events of the click trigger "at the same time" so

    At point of first click trigger no sprites exist atop of the blue box and at the "same time" you are creating a sprite (but there are no sub events to use it as picked)

    Sprites will be destroyed over the blue box on second and subsequent clicks but there will always be a sprite that is not destroyed as it is also created at the click trigger and never pick/used for anything.

    On the second "working" one, at the click-trigger, the sprite is created so picked for use in sub events and then destroyed in the sub event. I am using these sort of events all over my game.

    I don't see any issues,,, and am very glad to see C2 working like this it means that it is very robust and is treating trigger events properly...

  • I have subbed (mainly on the basis of my experience with C2) but I have not transferred to working in it because it is still beta and subject to issues, bugs, crashes.

    Personally I wouldn't recommend anyone to transfer any projects, especially large ones, into beta software. There is a continual risk of loosing work or a project file becoming corrupted. I will probably even wait some further months after full release before venturing in just to ensure as much stability as possible.

    However the fact that it runs in a browser , that it has an additional mobile UI that allows me to comfortably develop on my phone, that from the same phone I can perform a cloud build or a remote preview. This is the sort tech that makes C3 "quietly revolutionary".

    Yesterday I went to c3 website on my phone, opened C3, opened my C2 project file from google drive, demoed my game to 2 people in the office at the same time using C3 (note I not using c3 for development yet just stuff like this). They were able to play it on their phones while I hosted it on my phone. Suffice to say that they were both more impressed with this C3 tech than the game itself.

    I have also noticed that games being previewed on C3 are performing better than when hosted with C2 especially on crappier mobile devices.(I understand it is using the same run time but something has definitely changed behind the scenes maybe its just a preview thing I don't know)

    So no , not yet, but soon....

  • Using touch / mobile / android

    Is there any way to multi- select events and possibly drag and drop them?

    I seem to be able to cut and paste one event / action at a time but it's a little laborious.

    am I missing something???

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  • There is a Chrome "bug" opened for over a year requesting ability to lock framerate.....

    doesn't look like it is getting much love but if more people star it then it might. I have starred it.

    I looks like Scirra's Ashley Gullen is already a big contributor to the thread and related group!!topic/scheduler-dev/MNt-Ma7xnYQ

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