Add very basic steamworks network messaging for testing. Requires correct SteamID to communicated between clients.
To get the correct SteamID: In the Steam desktop application, select your Steam username in the top right corner of the screen. Select ''Account details''. Your Steam ID can be found below your Steam username.
Networking must be enabled before communication. In the example project click on 'Enable Networking' this enables polling each tick for incoming messages.
In the example app, the steamId should be added to the top box and the message to the other box (right now a random number is appended in the example project, easy to change.)
When communication first happens between two clients, the receiving client must accept the connection before messages can be sent between them. The example project automatically accepts all incoming connections/sessions. Right now the channel number is hardwired to 0, but will change. Please try it out and let me know your experiences!