rootzm's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi, I am making an RPG with my son and we have run into a weird visual issue where it seems the 'Scroll To' behavior is giving weird results. The only clues I have are that I'm using something wrong with either 'Scroll To', Pins, or 8Direction. The other thing is that I have a very large layout of 5000x5000. The full game is even bigger at 10,000x10,000. However, the layout size doesn't seem to make a difference with the severity of the jerkiness though when I was testing this..

    I have linked my capx below which is a stripped down version of the full game. It's still showing the weird visual jerk movement though.

    Movement keys are 'W' = up, 'A' = left, 'S' = down, 'D' = right. If you move left and right or up and down, do you notice a jerking movement every few seconds? Do you know how to fix this?

    Thank you in advance for any help

  • Hi all. Follow the link below to see my progress on my new game.

    It's called Fish Tank Frenzy and I haven't been able to figure out what genre it fits in. It has the casual strategy of something like Plants vs Zombies mixed with an ability style system inspired by MOBA games. So, Casual Strategy Solo-MOBA or CSOBA?

    Anyway, the art is pretty rough at this point. I mixed some art from the very generous with my MS Paint art. Sorry, I'm not a good artist. Beyond art and general polish, I plan to add a tutorial and more levels. Speaking of the tutorial, the basic premise of the game is that you have 3 fish that swim into the tank every 5 seconds. Your goal is to get them across the tank to the exit which will award you with points. The first player to 100 points, wins. Abilities cost energy to use and energy is acquired by either getting your fish to the exit or killing enemy fish. Killing enemy fish is automated, your fish swim by and damage them. The strategy involves selecting routes and properly using abilities. Winning unlocks more levels.

    A lot of the other games in this sub-forum are very polished, so I hope my Work in Progress doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. I hope you like what I've done so far. If you'd like to leave feedback, please do. In fact, tell me what difficulty you found to be a challenge.

    Have a good one,


    p.s. - if you want to quickly unlock all levels there is a 'secret' pixel

  • Thank you for the replies and to R0J0hound is particular for the capx. I'll be studying your example. The Scirra community continues to impress.

  • How would that handle multiple pieces? Can you show me with a capx?


  • Hi all. I've been working on making a game like Battleship. I've created a grid and have sprites that can be dragged onto the grid. Please see the link below and you'll see what I'm trying to accomplish.

    The Capx

    Everything works basically but the code seems too complex and repetitive. Does anyone have any ideas on how to simplify? Or a different way to do it?


  • Something is glitchy with the upload process to the Scirra arcade. I fixed the issue mentioned above concerning edge scrolling with the mouse and then submitted my game through the update process. Upon approval and update, now the options menu is messed up. It works fine on my computer and it works fine at this dropbox link. It was working fine in the prior version I uploaded and I didn't change any elements that would affect the options menu. Anyway, here's the dropbox link to play the game since the Arcade version is not working quite right.

  • When making it, I was trying to decide if unit selection would be the typical band select as you described or not. I decided to try a different method where you 'paint' the units you want to select. I thought it was a faster method of selecting, but if the consensus is the band selecting is better, I may change it.

    As to the other issue, I tried to make the units a different opacity when unselected. It may not be a big enough color difference though.

    Thanks for your input.

  • Hi all.

    I have got to a stopping point on the RTS game I am creating. I've made a scrimmage option with four game types and the first level. I figured I'd take a break and ask for some input before I continue with the rest of the levels. I've uploaded the game to the Arcade for everyone to try.


    <img src="" border="0">

    I'd like some feedback if you have time to reply. I know of two issues right away. Specifically, I've included an options panel that you can tweak the game settings with. Please utilize this and let me know what you thought the best settings were for fun as well as balancing.

    <img src="" border="0">

    I know there are some problems that I need to fix and I haven't found the solution yet. First, the AI units will sometimes freeze. I'm trying to figure out why and I think it has to do with their 'behavior state' at various points in the game. Second, I am not an artist. I realize the graphics are not top notch, but I hope to improve when I finish the rest of the levels. We'll see - it's not my talent. Third, you can scroll around the maps with the mouse by touching an edge of the screen but the right side of the screen isn't working in the Arcade version. It works on my computer, so I'm trying to determine the problem.

    Finally, I hope you enjoy the game. I couldn't find too many real time strategy games posted to the Arcade so I hope it's a nice change of pace.

    <img src="" border="0">



  • I wasn't concerned with performance - I just can't get the iterating variable to work. Instead of giving me a count, it iterates forever. It keepings increasing the value in the variable indefiniately.

    The array is holding text data which comes from the state of 6 sprites that are touched by the player. Initially, all array values are 0 but when the player touches the sprite, the number of the sprite replaces the 0. You start out with a display showing 0,0,0,0,0,0 but after you've touched them all it shows 1,2,3,4,5,6.

    It's proving difficult to descrive I guess and the code is buried in a decent sized project right now, so I'll try to post a smaller example later if I can reproduce my problem in a capx.

  • I have an array with the contents of 0,2,3,0,5,0. I would like to be able to count how many times a number exists in the array. So in this example, I'd like to be able to store in a variable the number 3 when testing how many times 0 exists within the array.

    I'm searched the forums looking for an answer but am coming up empty or confused. I attempted the following without success:

    MyArray > For each X element

        MyArray > Value at MyArray.CurX = 0   

           action: System > Set myVar to MyArray.PickedCount

    I would think the first two lines would be okay for testing each array object to see if it's zero but I can't figure out the action to capture the count. Also, I didn't want to use an iterating variable to add to my counting variable because the For Each statement will run 40+ times a second..

    Can someone help?

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  • Thank you ramones. I had tried Trigger Once prior but used it incorrectly on my attempt. The text rendering information is helpful as well.

    Thanks again

  • I'm having trouble with a menu pop up. See the capx below for the example.

    Menu Issues

    Here's what I want to happen. If you click on Options, it brings up Pop Up #1. Then you shouldn't be able to click on any other sprite button except Pop Up #1 - even if where you click on the pop up overlays an underlying sprite button. If you click on Pop Up #1, then you should have the main menu options available again. The same should work for Story and it's Pop Up #2. I've also added a menu toggle which should not be changed when either pop up is up. That's the only part that really works.

    Also note that if you click on far right edge of each sprite button, it works properly for bringing the pop up up. But if you click in the middle of a sprite button - it seems to be clicking it, executing the pop up, but the original click is also activating the pop up's code and sends it off screen again.

    Can anyone help with this? I don't want to use separate layouts, although using separate layers would be okay. I also don't want to use different inputs. I rather use a left mouse click for everything.

    As a bonus. Does anyone have an idea why the main menu text doesn't seem to have a Z property? I tried to send them to the bottom layer or send the pop up background to the top layer many times but the main menu text is still showing?


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