Juneau's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello community,

    I'm looking for a way to let the system predict which one of the three randomly chosen sprites it's going to spawn.

    I have a family with three sprites which are used as bullets. These sprites have different collors and are shot from a gun by click, picked randomly by the system. I need the system to predict which sprite it is going to "shoot" before I trigger this action. Is this in any way possible? The player should know which color his next bullet will be, so he can shoot the enemy with the same color.

    I'm sorry if this is unclear, I don't know how to explain it better haha.

    Hope to see some replies, thanks in advance!

    ~ Juneau.

  • I fixed it. I left a little spacebar space behind the ID's in the Admob properties. That's probably why the ad's couldn't be loaded. :')

    Thanks for your help guys!

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  • If someone needs more info then I'm happy to share it, I tried multiple things but I'm stuck..

  • Thank you for your response Maced0! This worked for me.

    Still I'm running into the problem that I don't see any ads in my game. I really don't understand why this is. Would you, or somebody else help me with this? You can see screens down here:

    Admob Properties Construct2:

    Admob website account:

    Event sheet 1:

    Event sheet 2:

  • Hey everyone,

    I'm following this tutorial for adding admob in my game: scirra.com/manual/184/admob

    In XDK, when I want to add a new plugin and go to Featured Plugins, there is no Admob plugin at all. Can someone tell me why this is?

    Hope to hear from you,

    ~ Juneau.

  • Thank you so much! This fixed the problem.

  • Hey guys,

    This is hard to explain in words, but I try. I have made an platform generate randomly upwards so the player will be able to climb up. This game is an infinite jumping game. I have made an score system in which there will be an item spawned on the random generated platforms and this works very well. The only problem I am facing is that this item, when it gets generated on the random platforms, it's placed on the down side of the platforms. That means that theplayer won't be able to collect this item when it's standing on the platform, since it cannot reach that item. See screenshot:

    What can I do to make this item generate on the top of the platforms so it can be collected?

  • Hello,

    I want to create random generated platforms for a game in which the purpose is to jump up, untill you reach the top of the layout.

    Can someone tell me how I can fix that?

    It's important that the space (in high & width) between the platforms is not longer than the Character can jump of course.


    I'm really looking forward to see replies!

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Member since 14 Apr, 2016

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