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  • Hi Guys,

    Complete newbie here, just started today, so sorry if this problem have been brought up before, but I couldn't find any previous topic about it.

    I have been following Ashley's tutorial to page 6 and just finished setting up the Character animation. Not sure if this tutorial is so old that it doesn't work correctly with latest build of Construct 2?

    But for some reason when I am jumping from standing (JumpFromStand) no animation is played out on the screen. However (JumpFromRun) works fine.

    One other things that also seems not work correctly is when landing on a platform and keep on pressing forward the character just starts sliding instead of running.

    I am lost to why the animation is not working properly, I am pretty sure I have not messed up, as I have been following the tutorial 100%.

    Here is the .capx file.

    Thank you in advance for any help provided.

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