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  • Jerbens

    That's the math I was messing with and gave up. I needed a way to figure out how to move the sprite from the horizon to the front and have it angled to the camera's pov. With your formula I can already see how to shift left and right which I can't do with mine...

    I'll give your formula a try tomorrow. I've worked all day and then sat down and tackled (and won) the z-order issue I was having without compromising the speed of the program. Far too much computer screen for my eyes...


    Thanks! Studied animation when I was younger, Haven't stopped drawing for fun since I could hold crayons. Used to try to make c64 games when was very young too. Took programming about 15 years ago... yup. I thought it would be cool to put a game together for my daughter when she's a little older - I've actually built an arcade cabinet from scratch for it too. Needs to be finished but she's only 2, I've got at least another year to spare ;)

  • retrodude

    The way CC and C2 handle this stuff is different.

    CC actually has a Z plane so there is no extra crap required to do what I did for fake 3d. Like I said in an earlier post, it's nothing but converting the Y axis into Z and that's it. The Z plane is handled by CC. I posted the code in an older post above for CC. There is more to it than that like everything that needs to be on the Z plane is in a family and I believe the Z variable is part of the family as well. Then you add a number to Z like z=z+5 and that zooms the bits. Y converted to Z becomes the distance from the "Camera".

    None of this is technically "mode 7" except i use the mode7 plug in for the ground and sky in the C2 - it doesn't look nearly as good as the CC version though.

    My engine isn't finished. The CC one in theory can rotate 360 degrees but I have no need of doing that.

    The C2 one is only a few days old and completely unfinished. The way I'm handling the sprites angles of movement is an illusion. Everything is on a sprite that is 2000px wide and 224 high. The image point is set dead centre so when you zoom in on it, depending on where the actual image is placed within that 2000px sprite will depend on what angle it appears to be coming from.

    I'll post the C2 engine when I have it working to a level I'm happy with, as it is, it isn't handling the z plane for sprite properly and any attempt to correct it so far has cut the framerate down to 1/10th of the speed.

    I miss the CC sprite feature of for the z plane of placing an object in front of another etc. Most of the Z actions for sprites are gone. So this is a lot harder than it needs to be.

    Here's a vid of the CC version of my engine.

    Go!Go!Maddi! Welcome to the Fantasy Zone!!

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  • Almost got it :) Fakey 3d!!

    So there is as close as I could get the engine started with what little amount of spare time I had today. Image points play an important part of this. They are the growth point of the sprites. The must be off centred according to where they must be on the screen when they are full size.

    Still a little tweaking to do, but there is zero slow down on my laptop. Arrow keys move the screen.

    Try not to throw up watching this!!!

  • Here is the start of a fake 3d engine build using the mode7 plugin. If the mode 7 plugin also supported an undistorted sprite that still followed the rest of the plugins rules I think the only thing you'd have to do is convert the y to z.

    As far as my construct classic game goes, there is no mode7. It's entirely sprite skewing and distortion and then converting the y axis to the z axis. The math to convert y to z is simple and once you've done that you just give the sprite a new y pos on screen. There is no bullet sprite. I believe I have the program set to "always scrolly to scrolly+12" and instead of the sprites coming onto the bottom of the screen they fade in small from the back.

    Here is an example of the code in CC:

    <img src="http://designchris.com/maddi/3d.png" border="0">

    Here is the trial and error crapola I did yesterday and the night before. I call it going nowhere fast ;)

    Construct 2 mode7 + scaling sprites not working so well yet.

    If someone can figure out the scaling sprite bit that would be great... I don't really have the time or knowledge to figure out the math :)

  • I've got it half working - everything mode 7 works 100% fine. Controls to rotate and change height are there. The Z-axis is working by converting from the a sprites pos on the maps y-axis.

    The issue is proper scaling of images to match the timing of the mode7 ground and those scaling sprites have no set point of view. they zoom front on no matter where they are. The only way around that so far is setting different sprites to have the image points off set according to how they are positioned on the screen. I've got something messy but not to where I want it yet.

    Has anyone done a proper POV sprite scaling project in C2 yet?

    Could always do 1000 layers with different scaling levels and scroll speeds as the sprite comes up on the y axis it starts hopping through the layers... lol yeah right...

  • I did the space harrier clone for the flying level of my CC game. I used the Z levels to control the scaling aspect. How can it be handled in C2? Sprite scaling?

    I've already done the sky and water using the new mode 7 effect and that rocked.

    The way my "fake 3d engine" worked was by converting the y plane into the z plane and then giving the sprite a new y location. The mode 7 effect was made by skewing the sprite to the player sprite height.

    Worked like a charm and took all of 2 hours to create. So now I'm a bit stumped because of my CC mindset.

    Unless I'm missing something the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is making something that converts the y to sprite size. I'll give that a try :)

  • Awesome! I totally missed this. The star of my game has been in and out of the hospital with a nasty flu, which turned into an ear infection and now a mystery virus :(

    Thanks for the awesome plugin! Can't wait to try it...if I can only get a little time now between work and Maddi being sick.

    It only took me 2 hours to get the flying level up and running in the CC version of Go!Go!Maddi! Hopefully I can do it the same way!!

    Again thank you very much!!!

  • Any word on how this plug-in is coming along? Dying to get my hands on it!!

  • A little more Maddi and Robo-Daddy :) I've learned the secret of sega's old gfx: scan, downsize, 16 colors, dither. Saves drawing **** loads of backgrounds although I still have to go in and touch them up quite a bit...

    <img src="http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/602986_10200429995574429_400561413_n.jpg" border="0" />

  • Updates... levels... eventually incoming.

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/title.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/ww1.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/ww2.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/ww3.png" border="0" />

    <img src="http://designchris.com/images/rddy1.png" border="0" />


  • Looks great JJ!

    Yeah Youtube has a way of **** hurting videos when you upload them.


  • Pode

    I'm honestly not all that interested in the mobile market yet. I'm perfectly happy with it being run on a computer from a browser. I'd love to see it run on the Wii U, but I just tried my demo on the browser and it ran worse than it would on any handheld device...

    PC and MAC is enough for me :)

    I've used nothing but WebGL to do the fx in my game. Once this plugin is finished I'll be moving on from Constuct Classic as the bonus level of my game is a space harrier style coin collecting level and that is the main reason why I haven't switched over completely yet... and the water in my "wild west" level looks stupid doing a multi layer scroll.

    And thank you so much for doing this plug in - you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to it!


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Member since 6 Jun, 2012

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