Well - I've done the end bit and the start bit but not the middle bit LOL!
I've created a demo with the objects set to invisible. I've now created a grid with a start point on the horizon with 11 image points - one for each row. And then at the bottom of the screen there is a similar object but much bigger also with 11 image points.
I've created lines to show the angles from sprite1's image point to sprite 2's image point. I've manage to get everything lined up with the mode7 plugin sprites. You can rotate and move up down left and right.
The object speed is 98% correct. But here is the problem:
How the heck to I move a sprite by it's main image point along a line like that without using the bullet behavior? Bullet causes a crazy effect and half the time it doesn't detect what it's supposed to be doing...
So yeah, there are two image points. I want to move a sprite from one image point to another without using Bullet Behavior. The other option is following the grid sprites but I don't think that's possible. I did it just to show that everything aligns according to the POV.
Here is a link to the 3d grid demo, arrow keys move pov: