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  • Okay, disregard. It turns out my phone is a junker that can't handle multi-touch. Tried on another device and it works perfect. Don't buy $40 phones. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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  • So, I've messed around with it a little more and I've started to notice some bizarre behavior from the touch object.

    Here's an updated .capx that shows the issue...

    With a single touch, everything appears to work fine. Once you touch with another finger it does the following:

    • If second touch is too close (within ~200 pixels) it counts as one touch and selects a point between your fingers
    • If second touch is far enough away to register it works as expected. However once you remove a touch it stalls and wont track the remaining touch movement until both touches are removed.
    • If you drag the touch points too close together it does the same stall as above.

    Which doesn't work at all with the game I'm trying to make. Am I going about this the wrong way or is there a solution out there?

  • Hey everyone!

    I've been trying to get a control scheme going with 3 buttons. Left, Right and Up. It works fine as long as only one button is pressed at a time. Once you try to press Up and Left at the same time the whole thing falls apart. I've been trying to find a solution, but I'm struggling. Hopefully one of you kind strangers can point me in the the right direction.

    Here's a .capx of the problem I'm having.


  • Thanks for the help guys. I think I've got it figured out, now I just need to get to work!

  • Hello everyone,

    I started with Construct a few days ago and so far have been having a great time. However I seem to be stuck on making multiple instances of the same enemy not mime each other.

    I've set up an event sheet for the enemy and made some event groups for things like attacking, being idle and getting hit by the players attacks. These work great with only one enemy, but if I drop in some more they all move exactly the same and will all attack even if the player is in range of only one.

    If somebody can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.



    (WASD to move, click to attack)

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Member since 29 May, 2012

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