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  • Here's a small refinement.

    Keep in mind, you'll need extra logic to keep track if 'Sprite' already contains a 'Sprite3'!

  • You've got R0J0Hound's Sprite Sheet plugin, but you aren't using it.

    Don't break things out so much. Remember, everything that isn't a trigger gets run 60 times a second, so checking if HasWeapon is 1, 60 times a second is wasteful. You know when the weapon has changed, so do the code right then, or use a function if you feel you will be calling this in different places. Also, use Else instead of checking for the opposite of something you just checked.

  • Edit the sprite. On the left of the main window is the Animation properties panel. You'll see "Loop" there. Set it to Yes.

  • You need to add 8Direction:'Simulate control' when you use the touch-controls. IE: event 14, add: Hero->Simulate 8Direction pressing Right.

  • Physics doesn't play well with other movement behaviours. Chances are 8Direction & Turret are causing the conflict with Physics.

  • When you spawn, store the UID of the Circle in an instance variable of the Square. When you click the square, Pick the Circle by UID, and do your light-up code.

  • I won't be able to look into this until next week i'm afraid.

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  • If there is only one at a time, you can check Plant.Count to see if a Plant is created or not. Use Else for the second case.

    if Plant.Count = 1 -> Spawn Pod, Destroy Plant

    Else Spawn Plant, Destroy Pod

    A Global variable would also work, not an Instance variable.

  • Have another look at the manual. You can't call 'Move along path' until you get 'On path found'.

  • <?xml version="1.0" ?>




    <name>The First Stage</name>







    <name>The Second Stage</name>







    <name>The Third Stage</name>







    <name>The Fouth Stage</name>







    <name>The Fifth Stage</name>






  • You don't need the extra quotes in the file, just the C2 string.

  • The equivalent would be: XML.NodeCount("/dict[word='" & word & "']/word")

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